Have you ever included relatives (not just relatives, but anyone you know personally) in your story/stories? Have you ever let them read it? I would, but I don't really know how they'd feel about it. But I don't want to say "I'm going to write about you, 'kay thanks bye." I don't want to be mad at me for putting them in the spotlight, or for them to mad because I wrote them doing something that they normally wouldn't. But I don't think I'd want to tell them in advance, because I could either have to hear them bragging about it or have them trying to hang over my shoulder and give me advice about their character. So, if you've ever included people you know in your stories, want to, think I should/shouldn't, etc. post here.
I think, if you plan on doing that, that you should definitely change the names, and perhaps even mix some of the characteristics between characters.
Well... I believe someone would notice their own actions. If you're trying to not offend someone, perhaps you should try that.
even if you change their names and whatever, if any can guess you based the characters on them, you run the very real risk of being hated, or worse, for it!... i did it... and i was...
I haven't written with the two people synonymous, but I have written with the character "based off of" that person.
I tend to base my charectors around people I know quite a lot, but no-one I know ever reads my work. But aye, I do often use people I know as they base for my charectors but I don't know what I would do if I were to show them. Sorry I cannot help much Heather