1. ObsidianVale

    ObsidianVale New Member

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Inner Child v.s. Outter Adult

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by ObsidianVale, Jun 30, 2009.

    Ok so ... I've been haveing this problem for a while now and it's starting to hinder my writer.

    my inner child and outer adult are having a big fight.

    basically whats happening is that i am unsure if im writing for a younger crowd or an older one. Now when i say younger crowd im talking about the teens generally 14+. ( they may not be YOUNG young but im 18 so there younger then me)Im not explaining this very well....

    how about this. it's like the difference between the harry potter series and a romance novel. Almost anyone can read the harry potter series. where as not everyone can read romance novels.( children to be specific)

    so basially i don't know whether my story is something that everyone will be able to enjoy or just the older crowd.

    im writing a fantasy that takes place in another world and my main character has just turned 19. now i do realize that with my character being 19 she probalby won't be as relatalbe for the younger crowd but that doesn't convince my inner child.

    you see in a book that is geared for older people theres swearing theres blood (fighting) and well.... s*x. Not that im going to be writing a full out s*x scene but i do know for a fact that my character is going to fall in love. and with her being 19 there is going to be some form of s*xual tension.

    I want to write this story in a more adult way. but i always feel like my stories come out PG when i want them to be R or at least 18A, i'd even settle for 14A. Im not as goody two shoes as all this probably makes me sounds but you know i was raised like most to believe cursing was bad and s*x well....is privately discussed between you and people you know VERY well.

    i am very connected with my inner child and while most of the time it's a plus at the mention of s*x my inner child tends to plug her ears and scream "LALALALALALALALALALALA" until my adult side gives up.

    it feels a little embarrasing since im 18 and having so much trouble being more adult like. which in the end helps me ince my character goes through this problem to but first i need to know how to get through it before she can.

    does anyone have any advice?
  2. ApocRK

    ApocRK New Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I think you shouldn't change your story in accordance to who you think will read it. Just write the story as you feel it should be written and if it falls on the edge of two age groups, then that's where it is meant to be. Don't ever exclude something you think is essential because you think your crowd won't agree with it.
  3. Rei

    Rei Contributor Contributor

    Aug 2, 2008
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    Consider this: How many high school students do you know who only stick to "teen" books? You should know that teenagers are perfectly capable of reading books in the adult section, and they do. We don't choose books based on how old the main character is. We read them because the narrative style appeals to us, we think the story might be fun/meaningful. Yes, kids like books that they can relate to, but that goes beyond the age of the character, and there are plenty of books in the teen section that have sex in them. Fantasy novels in all demographics often have young or childlike characters, anyway. And I don't see the problem with a book being PG-rated, regardless of the average age of the reader.
  4. fantasy girl

    fantasy girl New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    when i was 12, i read the Davinci Code, the only thing is, i couldnt get it out the library as it was an "adult" book so my mum had to get it out for me. so weather you want your book to be aimed at people my age (14) or adults, it dosn't matter, both age groups will probably read it. my mum for god sakes is obsessed with the harry potter books and movies and there aimed at teenagers. it just goes to show, that if it is well written, it will get views from both sides.
    1 person likes this.
  5. losthawken

    losthawken Author J. Aurel Guay Role Play Moderator Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    It sounds to me like the question you've asked is not the question you need answered. You let the cat out of the bag in your last paragraph.

    What I mean to say is that it sounds like you feel challenged and perhaps insecure about writing your own maturing process, which is still in progress. I can't think of anything more natural in the world, or better to write about.

    I originally wrote with others in mind, hoping that my stories. which reflected my inner self, would impact and help others. What I've found is that it is more freeing and more productive to write for myself, and to my surprise it has helped and impacted me in my personal growth immensely.

    Don't worry about your audience, if the quality of your writing is good and if it comes from the heart there will be an audience. Just write and let the writing be a part of your growth. You may find, as I have, that it helps make sense of the world and its constant changes if you write it in a metaphor.

    Hope I'm not being to creepy or cryptic, happy writing,

  6. ApocRK

    ApocRK New Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I thought the same thing as I read the post, I just couldn't think of anything helpful to say if I pointed it out. You conveyed the message perfectly though.

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