1. c-bebellW321

    c-bebellW321 New Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Inspiration ideas for stories?

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by c-bebellW321, Jan 11, 2012.

    Hiya people..well, this is my very first post here, so I will introduce myself later on..but firstly just a quick note:)..I would really like to start writing something..this idea came about when I started writing a book about all my bazaar and weird dreams..and thought..I can write stories based on all this..
    but not sure how to go about it or how to/where to start etc?..
    cheers guys..any other help would be very much appct!!:))

  2. Jethelin

    Jethelin Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    Mis read on my Kindle. Disregard haha
  3. funkybassmannick

    funkybassmannick New Member

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Chicago, IL
    You can try writing in a notebook rather than on a computer. For a lot of people, it feels more natural and your ideas flow better.

    Very important: Don't worry about how "good" your writing is. You will likely have this awesome idea, but then when you put it down on paper somehow it sucks. You'll probably feel like, "What happened to my awesome idea?" Don't get discouraged, because that happens to all writers. The more you write, the better your ideas will come across.
  4. Floatbox

    Floatbox New Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    In school, they started us off with books on narrative structure. This was for a screenwriting class, but I think it can be applicable to short fiction as well. Learning concepts like acts, scenes, sequences, character arc, need vs want, dramatic tension, dramatic irony, conflict, hero's journey will help you sort of think you know what you're doing so you can go ahead and start writing. You can only really know what you're doing by writing, rewriting, receiving and providing feedback, and reading literature with a critical eye. The most important thing is to start, even if you fail. In fact, you will fail. We all fail, over and over again, which is not to be pessimistic to knock you down for my own cruel pleasure, but to emphasize that failing is OK. In fact, you have to learn to enjoy failing. Enjoy and explore the creative process for it's own sake.

    Be warned, you are preparing to take the first step in a lifelong journey - a journey which can only lead to greater understanding of yourself in relation to the outside world.
  5. Sisu

    Sisu New Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    A technique you may want consider is free writing. This technique was popularized by Peter Elbow (check out his book, Writing without Teachers, at your local library) and is invaluable in the process of creative writing. In essence, free writing is allocating set time periods (consider starting with three, 15 minute periods) and writing nonstop as your ideas craft themselves into the logic of language in the union of creativity on spontaneity. The only rule is that your pen must be moving on paper for the full time period. Grammar and structure are arbitrary. The only real rule here is to put some words on paper!

    This technique can allow you to write through any apprehension you may be feeling regarding these initial stages. After several days, when you have accumulated some material and feel mentally clear, you will be eager and ready to begin plotting your narrative. Enjoy this part of the process; right now your are free to explore your ideas which could lead you to story very different than you originally conceived.

    Good luck and happy writing!
  6. c-bebellW321

    c-bebellW321 New Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Thankyou evey1 for all the helpful info!.sorry haven't replied till now..havent had much of a chance:(..have not 4gotten tho:)..when you start to write..where do you start first or does every1 have their own preferences etc?..ie..(as u say floatbox)..acts,scenes,sequences etc..I just have this idea of writing the story first then adding stuff like that later?..(if that makes sense?)..also how/where do other people get there ideas/inspirations from?..and how do you over come writers block as soon as u start putting pen to paper?:((..I do have material..but my initial problem is how to start turning it into stories?)..
    cheers guys!!:))
  7. Miss Jo

    Miss Jo New Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    For me a story idea usually starts as just a scene in my head. With that picture I try to write what it looks like, what the feel of it is for me and how many people (if any) are involved. Once I get that out of my system I can step back and take another look and dig a little deeper into it. If there are people in the scene I try to decide what their relationship is to each other, are they friends or enemies.

    Sometimes it goes somewhere and sometimes it doesn't, but I write it out anyway. And I keep it. I'm a hoarder when it comes to my story ideas because sometimes years later I go sifting through my files and I find one that sparks my interest again and I give it another go. Sometimes a new idea I have fits well with something I scribbled out a long time ago.

    If you feel uninspired (aka writer's block) maybe you just need to take a break and not try to force it. If this is a new hobby you don't want to get all bogged down in trying to make yourself write. Give your ideas some room to breathe and they will be flowing out of you before long. Good luck!
  8. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    where to start learning how to write is by READing!

    if you'd been reading a lot you wouldn't need ask anyone how to start writing... so you must need to read much more than you do... all the lessons you have to learn are right there on the printed pages of the best writers' stories and books...

    and, btw, a 'bazaar' is where you buy things... 'bizarre' is a synonym for 'weird' or 'odd'...

    love and hugs, maia

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