Okay, this is kind of a random question, and maybe i'm just hopeless, but i'm drawing blanks. What kind of hobbies and things would blind people have/do? One of the characters i'm writing about is blind, and I need a suggestion. Don't worry about what the characters like, just list any ones you can think of. I'll tell you what though, thinking of all the interests that popped to mind and realizing I needed sight for them really makes you glad you can see... Thanks for any help. Edit: Oh, and if it makes a difference to what you can think of, the character is a 17 year old girl.
Knitting (doesn't actually need your eyes at some point, and I'd say it's not strictly a housewife's or grandmother's hobby either.) Sculpting is very tactile, as well. Any musical instrument, you can play by ear just as well if not better than note-reading. Reading does count as a hobby, and I'm sure they have a great variety of books published in braille that could elaborate any of her interests...
Reading -- braille or audio books Writing Crochet/Knitting Gardening -- especially flowering plants that have strong scents Jogging/working out -- with a partner Dog or cat Horseback riding
I know a blind man who enjoys walking everyday. He reads, goes to jazz concerts. But mostly, he just - well - walks around the city. Sometimes, I'll find him at a bus stop. He says he has his most meaningful conversations with strangers at the bus stop.
I don't know anything about them, but there are computer games that rely on sound. A blind classmate of mine talked about wasting hours playing it the way a sighted person will play normal video games. Also, even though they can't see the screen, blind people will "watch" TV, and these days there is also something called descriptive video so that they will still know what is happening when there is no dialogue.