. ~ Into The Light ~ Into the Light OOC thread @Luke Andrew @Keitsumah @HarleyQ. @lixAxil @Tara @schwuldubist @mmarage Welcome to the IC thread and thank you all for your support.
My apologies for this being mederated over the weekend. I didn't realize that in the new system threads in here get moderated too. PM me if ever something doesn't work right. Happy RPing
@losthawken no problem thanks for approving. Hmm, the link actually sends you to the IC, not the OOC. Typo, much? I think I've gotten 4 character sheets. Still waiting on 2 people. Or 3 if my memory fails.
*demented giggle* you guys are gonna enjoy my char. And her potential powers.... *purrs and strokes the head of my Dark Fell deer*
Initial IC Post Alright, so the stage is set people. Everyone's character sheet has been approved. So, good luck with that shit, lol. You are encouraged and free to PM each other to coordinate. However, keep a watch on any post I make in the OOC as I will give you information and new things to be aware of in your environment that didn't make it to the IC or which wouldn't make sense in the IC. So, from here on out, you are free to start and move as you please. I will leave info for your posts here in the OOC when applicable so check it before a new post! You may partake in the fleeing by heading out, or being more imaginative in your escape plans. Those who can see the Reflected have an obvious advantage on this situation. However, even you seem to be freaking about the sudden change in the attitude of the Reflected. A note, you are all still within the city proper and either trying to run home, get out, or whatever. You're all near, or more or less, the city center, a stroke of bad luck and coincidence. The day had been normal for all of you until the sudden dismembered bodies and the panic and rush of the city trying to GTFO. Reflected you will see are R1 with the occasional R3. Feel free to be imaginative in what you see, just... maybe don't engage them and book it. Some of you may notice people smashing mirrors dressed in camouflage red and mottles of grey. Whether you choose to interact with them or keep running is up to you. What information you gather is up to you as well.
Hope you don't mind my take on events that are likely to be happening in the city to help shape my characters escape plan, any issues let me know.
Ooh, I just received a CS from @mmarage , one of our initial interests, so let's give him a nice welcome And it Seems @Mike Nemesis has taken the lead in the IC. The RP is off to a good start! Damn, your guy's conceited
and i just came up with three new creatures alongside the dark fell deer lol... you'll get to see them in my post (as she draws)
Yay... more nightmares. Btw, what's with everyone here loving giving their characters tragic back stories? Seems to be norm >.> Why can't they just be happy?
I thought a bit of emotional vulnerability couldn't hurt (well it could hurt a lot given the RP but that's the idea) as tragic goes mines pretty standard, although I await to see what everyone else is like.
I hardly ever make up characters with stories like this. Mine are usually good people that the world kicked the crap out of. Lots of parental or sibling deaths, though. I'm into that.
same here- also, nearly done with that post and Kylee is on that same office building. This will add up to be a bit of an intense post since... well she ends up on the edge of the wall. But what she does will depend on Jack. btw- mind if i use the sound of him turning off the safety? otherwise i don't even touch on what he does.
I'm so excited >.< I'm gonna go get some coffee and start writing. Come on! Tragic backstories are the best.
Looked up pics of office building rooftops and they have a low wall around the edge to keep people from falling off. And i am assuming he has a gun correct? That's the safety i meant since i would think he might get the gun ready possibly for sniping?) ill send you the post.
Ooh, I was thinking gun but I didn't remember mentioning one. Thought for a second you meant the army rolling in or something. Damn, Kaylee sure is Assassin Creeding that shit, lol. @HarleyQ. Glad you're excited
lol, i actually based her a tad heavilly on myself. She will know many facts that most people may not and will do things that seem risky, but she's done it so many times that she doesn't really care. (such as hanging off of buildings! thank god she isn't as scared of heights as i am) but then she had nowhere else to hide lol, what else could she do? fun fact: the human skull can take 500lbs of force before beign crushed. Look at Star Trek: Into Darkness and you will be even more horrified now...
i so wish i could play assassin's creed. my brother always plays as the beserker in games. i like snyping or silent killing. we team up, and no one can beat us lol -i get the enemies further away and thin them out and he takes the first wave. in racing games he jams the others so i can "win" and then we both end up being able to get new cars lol
GM Play for Kylee and Nathan So, the Reflected swarming the army men are low ranks and are harmless but what does Nathan know about that? You can either go up the street or keep to your plan to GTFO. The situation is getting worse by the minute. Kylee, well, god knows what you're doing up there but at least Jack doesn't like shooting little girls. The Reflected are popping up more and more, so I recommend finding safety