1. Olaf Blunk

    Olaf Blunk Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Intro / way of life / advice

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Olaf Blunk, Sep 18, 2015.


    my name is Olaf. I just joined writing forums and I´m really looking forward to link to all you creative guys.

    As for me, I am 38 years old and I´m dedicated to art photography, poems and short films. This year turned out be a much more creative one than I thought: I wrote a novel, that got published a few months later and created a screenplay named "The Code Of The Falcon" that is on the surface a modern secret agent thriller, yet treats much more profound themes such as the needlessness of social systems, the abyss of sexuality and the pain and beauty of being alive.

    Be it as it may, this posting section is about personal stuff, so here´s my way of life:

    I was born 19th of May 1977 and live as an independent artist in Nuremberg, Germany. I´m active as a photographer for more than a decade now and had several exhibitions, amongst other things at the Temporary Gallery Berlin. Born in Munich, grown up in Hamburg and moved over to Nuremberg for the purpose of studies, I soon discovered abstract photography for myself there. This is one of the reasons, why it lead me to finish up in Berlin, where I signed up for the courses of studies film and theater, which I however didn´t carry through.

    I could list my favourite movies, etc., but in my opinion this turns out to be kind of boring for the reader, so I prefer to mention art in terms of a support from an artist to an artist.

    Turning point:

    The turning point for me to skip normal life and try to ask questions rather than accept answers was the lecture of Carlos Castaneda´s "The teachings of Don Juan", which has for me all keys to perceive life based on pure, astral, non-logic energies. It´s the most sold unknown book of the century and has inspired George Lucas to "Star Wars" and Steven Spielberg to "Close Encounter Of The Third Kind", although they chose to sacrifice the secret knowledge of it for the usual entertainment circus.

    Carrying on:

    Two movies gave me the strength and the believe to carry on: David Lynch´s "Wild At Heart", which in my opinion really catches the pain of being alive, and Stanley Kubrick´s "2001 - A Space Odyssey", which is something like the rational counterpoint to the aforementioned. I quitted looking TV 14 years ago, since it´s not only a penetration, humiliation and insult of my consciousness, it´s also like history in school: it simply tells you a world, that doesn´t exist. "Natural Born Killers" in its unrated version really shows what TV is all about and how it gives direct orders to the subconsciousness - mindfuck would be the adequate dramatization.

    The doors of perception:

    You know whats inside a joint? Nothing. The same effect as if you buy something - once bought, it turns into something else and finally provides total emptyness. But there is a before and an after the years ´68 to ´71, if you understand what I´m aiming at. You can compare it with a relationship you had: what would have happened, if I wouldn´t have met her? Time moves in circles, more questions than answers and so forth. For me the "year ´72 turned out to be a very dramatic one: everything consumed, no real friends left and no meaning of life in particular. That´s why I decided to move to another city and start meditation on a daily base, which turned out to be the biggest lucky pull in my life. Nowadays I stick to Neil Young´s words: "I sometimes only need an orange juice to flash me." And again, Castaneda provides all the answers you need. But you should read his books in the right mood, otherwise - like all things in life - it won´t give you anything.

    "You didn't have this knowledge before, now you do. I have revealed it to you, but it doesn't make a bit of difference, because you don't have enough personal power to utilize my revelation. Yet if you did have enough power, my words alone would serve as the means for you to round up the totality of yourself and to get the crucial part of it out of the boundaries in which it is contained."
    ("Tales Of Power", Carlos Castaneda)

    The future:

    Log entry Discovery 09/18/2015/15:52 : established link to www writingforums org
    flight destination: unknown
    search for terrestrial life: continued
    extraterrestrial threats: eliminated up to a logical number
    systems online: google.facebook.psn

    I think in the not too distant future we won´t need to communicate by electrons anymore, but by light itself.

    farenheit451 likes this.
  2. farenheit451

    farenheit451 New Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    The Evergreen State
    Hello Olaf, welcome! I'm sure you'll find resources here that will greatly improve your writing.

    I read Carlos Castaneda while I was in college several years ago and he impacted my life as well. I appreciate his quote:

    A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.

    So, I better stop fooling around and get back to work! LOL!

    See you on the forums!

  3. Olaf Blunk

    Olaf Blunk Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Well it´s an ad slogan, but "Just do it." would as well apply to Castaneda.

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