Hi, I've joined this forum hoping that participating in a writing community will help motivate me to write more frequently. In reality it will probably result in spending more time here, writing posts, just as I am now, instead of writing the novel I've been working on off-and-on for the past 7 years. To be fair, I've had a few distractions in that time - working fulltime and had two babies who are still very much babies! But I'm determined to make progress this year. I started a massive rewrite about a year ago as I realised I had finally finished my plotting and understood my characters and could improve drastically on what I had written. It's a young adult fantasy adventure novel. I look forward to getting to know some of you over time.
Welcome. Likewise, I am abundantly aware that I need to disconnect from the internet to write, but I keep finding excuses to sit in forums or research.
Welcome to the forum. Here's our New Member Guide to get you started. I hope we'll be able to help you stay motivated. If you feel like you might use a forum as an excuse to procrastinate, make a pact with yourself: Like, you're allowed to visit the forum only once a day and spend there, say, 1 hour max. Have fun! -Kat