Hello! I'm an aspiring author who resides in the most boring part of Maryland, USA. I guess you could call me a "nerd". I spend way too much time playing video games, watching Netflix, and blogging on Tumblr. I am currently going through a severe battle with Writer's Block which is why I am here. I thought joining a community of writers would help me overcome this dreaded Writer's Block. Writing has been my life since I was a kid, writing silly fan fictions and creating up stories of my own. I'm the person who will buy five new books when I already have a ton on my bookshelf that I have yet to read. I'm currently in college, majoring in English. I've been working on my current project for over a year and I hope to have it "finished" by next spring. Anyway, I can't wait to get started on here!
Hi and welcome! If you need, I have a hammer you can borrow. Just keep smacking writer's block in the head until he goes away. Seriously though, there are many resources here to help you overcome this common demon. (But if all else fails .... *points to the hammer*)
Haha, thank you! I think this forum will definitely help me overcome this demon and help broaden my writing skills. But I would love that hammer. When in doubt, beat it with a hammer. Sometimes Always works.
Hi Kaelen, Welcome! Was an English major, m'self, though that was some time ago. I think you have to have at least a little nerd in you to be a writer, but I say that as a positive. Phil
That is true. All writers have a little bit of nerd in them. Anyway, I always took being a nerd as a compliment. Thank you for the welcome.
Writer? Gamer? Netflix nerd?! You and me need to be friends. Welcome to the forums, where talk is cheap and pants are optional. Glad to have you aboard. Writers block is a common ailment, but we have hammers and mental disorders to deal with that. So kickback and start posting lots of new stuff! I love new stuff.
Welcome, Netflix is always on during insomnia hours. There are so many awesome writers here. I'm sure you'll find what you need to continue writing.
Thank you all for the welcomes! Pants are optional? Excellent. This site has won me over already. And friends? Yes please. Netflix is my best friend. Always there for me. Haha. I can already tell that there are some amazingly talented people here. I am so excited to have found this forum!
Haha, well, I love playing rpg games such as Skyrim, Dragon Age, Fable, and the Fallout games. I love any kind of game that lets you choose your actions and create your character. I mainly write science fiction or fantasy stories. I feel like those genres give me more room to be creative.
What, a mod hasn't welcomed you yet? How rude of us! Sorry about that! Anyway, sounds like you'll fit right in. Writing, video games, Netflix... Yep, we're cool. You've probably found this already, but if not, here's our New Member Guide to get you started. Have fun! -Kat
Had you added Mass Effect to your list I would've asked you to marry me. No lie. You pretty much named all my favorite games :3 I'm so excited for fall out 4 that words can't describe it. Fable is dead to me after the horse and buggy simulation. I still haven't beaten dragon age inquisition. >-> You should post some of your stories! I love fantasy (can't write it T^T) but usually write scifi moderately well. And love to read!! Please?
Haha, I haven't played Mass Effect yet but my brother has Mass Effect 3 for XBOX 360 and I've seen him play it. It seems like an awesome game. Sadly, I can't play it because the disc drive broke on our XBOX 360 and 360 games don't work on the XBOX One (which we recently got). So, I can't play the majority of my Xbox games which really sucks. Anyway, I probably will post some of my stories when I finish them.
@Kaelen Xbox one is backwards compatable. check it out, but your 360 games should work on your Xbox one.