There really hasn't been that much blog activity, as far as I can see. But Two of our most prolific posters, Hulls Raven and Torana, have been busy with other things lately. Also, with many schools starting up around the beginning of September, a lot of students who had oodles of free time over the summer are probably knuckling down to schoolwork.
Cogito makes a good point I know I haven't had enough time for the forums lately because my final exams are approaching and the teachers are freaking out because they haven't covered all the content yet. Stupid Education Department shortening the time constraints and increasing the course work.
I haven't been on the site long, but I tend to agree, it seems fairly slow. The other forum I frequent constantly has members browsing it, there are new posts every 5 seconds, there's always something exciting happening, like a heated debate or touchy topic, and everything usually gets a response. Here the threads seem to take quite a while to get responded to, sometimes days and even weeks, so I'm probably not used to it. It's just a bit less active than what I'm used to.
We've had debates at times (one in particular that was closed)... I've tried doing philosophical inquires... etc. This has always seemed a bit slower than others, but I guess it's just the due to the time we can devote -- and the varying timezones. Who knows...
The site seems to go through phases of being really busy, then really slow. I suspect Cogito is right, and it's to do with which members are active at the time. And I know that college starting again has limited my time on here (but then, I had been spending all day on the forums...). It'll get back to normal soon, I expect.
I have noticed that in the last month the forum went through a few days of major activity and then all of a sudden it really died down. It happens here quite a bit but then all of a sudden it comes to life and you are non stop typing and you end up with sore fingers. I am sure that in the next couple of weeks things will be back to normal and members will be active again. I have other things going on at the moment and will be back in full swing at the end of next week.
I totally noticed the lack of excitement on the site, but I noticed it before the blogs. It is a bit better now, but for awhile I felt like I was the only one posting lol. !!!Keep the forum alive!!!
Hey that isn't very fair. I can't help it if I encourage mindless conversations and a lot of laughs. You know you love it. But I have noticed that a few regular posters are quite busy at the moment and that would account for a lot really. All will get back to normal though, it always does.
I was just feeling lousy for most of yesterday, that's why I didn't post anything until late at night.
yea, school is taking up like a bit of my time and i am, or was, going out with my mates a lot more on a night leaving me with only an hour a day online and i am a member of a few sites and stuff so i haven't been posting as much. i will try though.
I guess I'm equally guilty, though. I haven't been on here much because the battery cable for my laptop crapped out. Right now, most of the time I can borrow on someone else's computer is dedicated to editing, posting, and moderating my webcomic. Though I do still find time to come here and whore it out.
Freshmaker I know what it is like to have your laptop cord crap out on you. Don't stress everyone has been a little preoccupied of late.
You don't have a Dell by any chance, do you? I've had mine for a little over a year and a half, and this is the second time I've needed a new cord. That seems a little ridiculous. I don't know if it's a common problem, or what.
Of course, they're Dell. The only thing Dell has going for them is they sell cheap computers in bulk, and companies believe that buying a lot of computers even if they break down, and need frequent repairs, is better then buying not as many computers for the same price that don't need repairs nearly as much. Sometimes the companies are right sometimes they're not. Unfortunately the people who have to use Dell are usually the ones that are truly screwed.