Like the title says, would it be possible to add a new tab or some such thing to the member profiles that shows only threads they've started in the workshop? I think it would make it easier to keep track of your own works that you've posted, or if you want to see other things by the same person without wading through the hundreds of pages in the workshops? Anyone else like this idea? Anyone see problems with it?
I like the idea. In fact, I was trying to find someone's workshop posts the other day, and was forced to read through the 'threads they started' collection instead. I think that would be a wonderful addition to the 'new' setup, whenever there is one.
Yeah it could be just another tab like the "About Me" or "Visitor Messages". Maybe call it "Workshop".
I like the idea and it's on the to-do list. Currently we're limited by the search functionality of the vBulletin software, but I'll look into adding this feature. Seems like a no-brainer.
This feature has been added!! In your profile there's now a tab called "Workshop Entries" that should list all your workshop post titles with a link, the date, the workshop forum, the views, reviews, and the last reviewer.