Well hello there, During my physical education session of rugby, I sustained an injury. Five minutes afterwards, another student harmed his neck and with the ambulance called, it has made me rather anxious to find if I have sustained anything dangerous. I don't want to trouble the first aiders, mainly as they will shun anything and everything away 'coz they are eating, unless it serious. Anything minor will wait. So I were wondering if anyone can 'diagnose' my incident. Incident- I was brought down in a tackle, that forcefully made me do the splits. I heard a crunching sound. I sustained some pain, starting off extremely painful in my pelvis (another reason why I'd rather wait to go to hospital, as I don't want the FA poking down there). I got up, still in pain, and walked to the touch line, about five metres away. The pain subsided but is still there when I turn/jolt/walk to my right. Especially when I run. (EDIT- Only slight pain) I'd rather someone help me sooner rather than later. Thanks, Arannir
There's no way to offer a firm diagnosis online, but what it sounds like is torn cartilage and connective tissue damage. Worst could be fractured innominate bones or tendons near the great trochanter stressed at the connective zones. Best armchair advice? Get off your feet into a comfortable position and have the ambulance take you right to the emergency room. You're likely out of the game for a good long time. You may be looking at surgery(s) and lots of time to lay on the couch with your word processor. Be happy that it wasn't your deltoids or trapezoids or cervical vertebrae.
Sounds like a groin strain, but I'm not sure. You really should go see a doctor. Your injury may be worse than you think.
The little smiley face editor icon brings up that font... Laughter is the best medicine... unless you have a ruptured groin...
Best recommended to go to a hospital and tell the doctor what happened. Meanwhile what you should have done was ice the area to reduce swelling and taken an ibuprofen. You may have pulled a muscle, especially if it caused you to do splits. I would recommend some rest and not to do any strenuous activity. If you do not want to go to the hospital, book an appointment with an Orthopedic doctor who has knowledge with sports medicine. [experience in constantly injuring myself in martial arts, jiu-jitsu and cross fit]
If you would seek medical advice from a writing forum, perhaps you should get your head examined as well. Go see at least one doctor!
That's a bit mean, Cogito. He's been here long enough to see us as family. Would you treat your real world family like that? Most have told him to get to a doctor quickly. I just gave him some possible mechanics of what might cause that sort of pain. The http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesser_trochanter Lesser Trochanter is where the tendons connect that drag the legs back together when doing "jumping jacks." As the wiki illustrations show, there's little to loop them in place like we would with a crank. If he did the splits, that's a suspect, but many other things could also occur that demand a trip to the ER, or, should that have to wait, remaining horizontal and still.
Seeking medical advice over the internet vs. internet threats. I'm not sure which is more...nevermind. You should see a sports physician.
1. That is very true. 2. If it was a desperate emergency that would be extremely true. However it seems like more of bragging about being hurt and getting somebody to tell him, "Yes you need to go to a hospital/doctor, go now!"
Cruel, but I see , where you're coming from, but it could be worse. I used to be on a teen girl dominated forum and these girls asked advice on everything from medical stuff to problems at school/home to depression and eating disorders. At the very least, people know what they're talking about here, so I'd say we're a bit better off. And we'll be forthright with the person instead of just giving feathery "advice". Dear lord, I just hijacked a thread!
See a doctor... You can find all sorts of possibilities on line, many might scare you into thinking you'll never run again while another many may convince you that it's less serious than it is. The only real way to tell is to have someone trained check you out in person. Sorry about your injury. I injured my neck and my back once while wrestling at a party. Like a fool, I never told anyone. But I was fortunate because it was never serious and I completely recovered. Looking back, I probably should have seen someone because I had track season coming up (and I threw shot put and discus).
That's like trying to get a history and physical without the physical. No one can examine you for this kind of problem without seeing you.
Called it. Anyway, glad to know you'll be OK. A good way to minimize injuries in the future is to stretch for 15 minutes before a rugby match.
good boy! i'm happy to know it wasn't anything more serious... now be more careful from now on and if you get hurt again, don't come here, go back to the doctor! kisses and hugs, mammamaia