I came across the word: Neo-Pagan which made me think of Neo-nazis? Are there any words with the Neo in them I looked up the definition of Neology How does new link to Paganism and Nazism ? Is it trying to say that Nazi is linked to Pagan?
Some of my favorite words with "Neo" in them: Latitude Regular Severance Pay Listless Simpatico (Not English, but "Neo" isn't limited to English)
if you really mean words that begin with 'neo' of course there are, so don't ask us to do it for you, simply open up a dictionary to 'n' and find them for yourself... it doesn't... no, of course not!... 'neo' is merely a prefix that means 'new'... so if you put it before a word, it means there is a 'new'/'current' version of that word/thing/concept... so, 'neo-nazi' means a modernday type of person/belief/group that has fashioned itself on the orginal german version... and 'neo-pagan' means the same in re 'pagans' from back in historical eras...