While browsing through the board, an avatar showed up that was moving. It was so distracting for me, I forgot what I was looking for. Does anyone know if there is a way to set things up, perhaps in one's settings, so that blinking avatars don't blink for the viewer?
Not that I am aware of. I too once had a .jif that I created myself as my avatar which I subsequently replaced because, yeah, it was annoying even to me, the owner and creator.
I tried a couple of things in General Settings, but nope. Nothing I can find. I think those twitchy avatars are horrible too, and I find myself quickly skipping over anything their 'owners' have written just to get rid of the avatar. There's a somersaulting panda, a dog with a twitchy nose ...urgh. I suppose these are cute for a moment or two, in somebody's mind, but they sure are irritating when you're trying to deal with what's been written on the screen. Ditto any adverts that move around as well. I always move my screen window to block them out.
Not through vBulletin's settings, but depending on your browser there may be a shortcut key or a setting that will say "Allow moving images" or "Disable Animated GIF images" or the like. I believe some software allows for the use of the ALT+X+C or CTRL+X+C or something like that. You'll have to check into it. I believe Firefox has a plugin for it, and I'm sure Chrome has an answer as well. Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/Stop%20GIF?hl=en-US Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=GIF+Stopper&appver=&platform= Be sure to trial and error them and make sure you're still secure while using these. If you're not using Chrome or Firefox, I'm not sure how to apologize for your misery.
There's also AdBlock, for chrome, and I think for firefox as well. You can manually block them once it's installed. By right (not left... has been a long time I last did this mistake) clicking on the thing you want gone and then --> AdBlock---> Block this add, then will pop up a window to specify the exact detail you want gone. It's easy to use. I hate all moving things while trying to read something. They do nothing but annoy and distract me. It can be used for blocking more than just ads.