A 20 something guy is hired in an oldfilks home as a dietary aid where crazy residents live,weird nurses work,and a girl whos grandmother lives their becomes friends with him all while defending his position in the kitchen from another aid who thinks hes taking her job. this is an idea I came up with while I was working as a dietary aid and some of this had happened to me.I was also thinking of it being similer to an 80's john hues movie not quite a comedy yet not quite a drama just a true to life story.
As I said before: A story concept means nothing. I can tell you now, it has all been done before. What matters is how you write it, the characterization, the flow, the imagery, all of it. There's no benefit in asking what other people think of the concept! They'll either say,"Sounds great," or, "it sounds like a ripoff of..." If the idea stirs you, write it. Then ask people what they think of the final story. After they tell you what they don't like about it, revise it, usually several times, until you're happy with it or until you throw up your hands and say the hell with it. Please read this thread about What is Plot Creation and Development?
lol everyone on this site will tell you...it's about how you write the plot, any plot could turn out good or crappy depending on how you write it....just saying "what do you think of XYZ" will generate responses of either "yes, that's great" or "no, it's a rip off of ____." in this case...the guy who's trying to take your character's job, amp up the drama...if it's bland, it will be super boring, but give it a crazy twist. like maybe there's a secret motive that makes the story much more dramatic.
Thanks.... In my opinion, 2 routes to take... 1) Satire/Comedy, where you use a very simple plot (one dietary employee at an old folks' home wants to steal another's job...lots of satire potential) or, 2) Horror/drama where there's something more intense going on... Personally, I prefer the 1st now that I think about it... Not telling you what to do, it's your story....but I think the plot is one that needs some spicing up, or a twist, or to be told in a special way... Wacky comedy is GOOD! Just steer away from blandness.
I think it's also worth asking why you want to write this? What is the reader going to learn/experience through the story of the dietary aide? It's something you should think about. It may give you some more direction, or not. Best of Luck!
Yes, but why should people watch it? What will they take from it? What will the characters learn/do/experience?
If it's in you to write it then write it! Don't wait for all the other writers of the world to give you permission! Just go for it!
Then collaborate instead of asking if it's a good idea. Not everyone is going to like any one thing and that's okay. You have to be pretty generic in order to appeal to everyone. Even then though you still can't appeal to everyone because there are people who hate generic.