Maybe this is something that will change for me as I continue - however I find writing an absolute blast. For me the characters are fun, the stories blow me away - it is as good as curling up with a good book. I find it exciting and just love what I am doing. For the first time since I lost the chance of my dream career I am feeling that fire again and I love it. The only time I feel stressed or pushed into it is when I have a scene I know needs doing and don't want to write it. Do you find writing fun?
I have to agree with Elgaisma. I thoroughly enjoy every aspect of writing, from research to brainstorming to the actual writing to reviewing and editing.
I have to say, the absolute freedom I feel when writing is like nothing else I have experienced. My favorite experience personally is the creation of unique and fulfilling characters which I feel is missing for the most part in most of the mainstream books I have read.
I love it for me it never fails to surprise, change, evolve. Like this week finally after 34 years penny dropped on using commas lol I managed to edit a whole page putting them in the right place - without any serious thought process involved. I was so pleased with myself. However part of it is having such a messy first draft - subsequent editing feels like carving a statue out of a rough stone.
I'd have to say that by "creating", I mean brainstorming and also the "did I just write that?!" feeling. -Frank
Of course I love writing, but that's the response you'll get from everyone on a forum for creative writers. Think about it - if we didn't think writing was fun, we wouldn't do it, and if none of us were writers, why would we be on this board?
Aren't they the same thing? If you enjoy doing something, doesn't that mean it's fun? Just saying. I guess I can see what you if something is grueling at the time but rewarding in the long me, I see it as one and the same when it comes to writing.
I enjoy writing as an escape from the boundaries of reality. I use music for the same thing. When I'm writing (music or words) it's as if another part of me takes over and anything that I am feeling or thinking about becomes secondary. So your question, do I enjoy writing? It's deeper than enjoyment. It's greater than fun. It's freedom in every possible form and it is beautiful.
That was what I meant really - is writing you do because you want to or because you have to or for some other reason.
It depends. When it's working -- really hitting on all eight cylinders -- it's the greatest imaginable high. When it's not working . . . not so much. As a professional, those "not so much" times I just push through until the joy returns. And it always does.
I seem to have a love/hate relationship with writing at times. When I'm inspired or feel like writing, and when things are going well, I love it. But it's not my first passion creatively-speaking; it doesn't come close to music. That's perhaps being too honest.
Currently, no. It's not that I don't find creative writing fun. So, answering the original question. There is a great satisfaction in writing. That said, what I am currently writing is more of something that I need to do for myself even though it's tough. So...depends on what a person is writing.
Of course! Nothing can compare to that rush of inspiration you get when even the smallest details of a story come together. Gosh, all of it's fun - except maybe the hand cramps.
of course I think it's creation in its purest form, and I find that extremely interesting to play with.
Because foe some people writing is their job? Maybe people are on boards like this to help themselves better perform what they see as a job in writing (or even teaching). Writing isn't fun for me, necessarily, but then again I don't do it to have fun, so I don't feel cheated. It's rewarding, though, which can be fun, I suppose. And I love it, but most things I love are for reasons beyond fun. Why do I do something that isn't simply fun and enjoyable? Because I'm good at it, and this is my work. But again, it's probably all semantics, since finding success in things we're passionate about can be considered fun. Playing mini golf is fun, video games are fun, watching movies (when I'm not studying, but just relaxing) is fun... writing? For me, is work.
Asking me if I think writing is fun is kind of like asking a bodybuilder if working out is fun. "Fun" isn't the word I'd use. It's hard, hard work, that often causes pain, and always causes exhaustion. And progress is slow, sometimes depressingly so. But I love it because I can be proud of the results.
Unfortunately, writing is not always fun for me. It's a lot of hard work. And often, it's not even enjoyable, when I get stuck on certain scenes. But still, getting your ideas on paper and into a full story is a great satisfaction.
There's nothing like the feeling I get when I'm completely emersed in the characters of a particular scene or chapter or what have you. I literrally feel like I'm experiencing first hand everything they experience, what they're thinking, why they're thinking it, how they act and react, why etc... It's like a drug that gets better and better each time I use it. A drug with no negetive side effects, costs next to nothing, and is perfectly legal.
Interesting question. When I'm writing, I certainly enjoy it because it's the only real talent I have, apart from converting oxygen to carbon dioxide.
Yeah, Like Midnight Pete, writing's the only thing I can go back to when I've spent the day wording compliments badly, smacking into lampposts, leaving Christmas presents till the last minute, staring at my messy room in despair, watching Mr Noya gawk at the latest video by some pop-starlet I won't waste time mentioning, drawing horribly, knitting a row six times with mistakes and give up, shouting at the dog for whining, and still feel like a vaguely worthy human being. Writing's only fun for me, however, when it's going well - years ago I could write until 3am making myself giggle, and then I fell out of it. I'm only realising now I was enjoying it so much because I was writing in my most natural style - not trying to be too serious - and I was practising. Now the greatest joy lies in editing, for me - polishing and polishing, going away and reading something else and having panic attacks that it isn't as good as 'real' books, then coming back and realising - hey! - what I created still makes me smile, and has a damn good chance of making others smile. Devising plots, yayy - writing them coherently, booo. Polishing - divine.