I remember now. Last night I got bit by a bug, but it was probably when I was asleep. So I had a dream about getting into a fight and my face was bruised. So when I woke up last night and felt that my face hurt, I said: That's right I was in a fight. Then I went back to sleep. But when I awoke I said why did my face hurt and I look in the mirror and see a bug bite. But I never remember that part of the middle of the night, until just now. Has that every happened to you?
Usually, if I'm ill, I'll wake in the night, throw up, go back to sleep, and not remember it in the morning.
If I wake up and do anything like that, I will simply NOT go to sleep. Once I'm up its hard getting me to sleep.
I was asleep on the couch one night. Woke up brushing my face hard. I was bitten by a spider and 2 hours later I was in the hospital getting a shot because I had an allergic reaction. Couldn't tell them the type of spider since as soon as it hit the wall it was squashed. Once I am awake I don't go back to sleep. So I hope things like that happen early in the morning so at least I have had some sleep.
According to my boyfriend, I frequently wake up in the middle of the night and say weird things. I never remember them. I always hear them from him. The funniest has probably been when I said, "Give Danzig his shirt back. He needs that."
One time one of my family members woke up and began to sing a song. We had no clue what they were singing cause it just sounded like zombie moans.
when I was working at a store I was in charge of training this new girl. On my day off I was called about 10pm by her and she asked how to do something I had taught her. Well apparently I was on the phone for 20 min. explaining what she had to do. To this day I do not remember doing this. But I told her the right things. Having a mother who carries on conversations with people is wonderful if you get in late for a curfew. She never knows what time you go in and you can always honestly say you did say you were home because you did and you got told it was alright. My mother was a talker.
My mother still has her memory. She won't let me get off easily. She doesn't do anything weird in her sleep, though. She hasn't, yet. But soon. I think it runs in the family.