I just discovered I am a magician. Never knew that about myself. About six months ago, I invested a lot of money in the stock market. POOF! A big chuck of it disappeared...magic! Now, I'm trying to figure out how to make it come back. LOL
In this case, technically it would be the brokers who would be the magicians, since by their art that the money disappeared. Just sayin. yours in Chaos, Scarlett
You have a point. My money disappeared and re-apperared in the broker's business checking account! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
It's par for the course right now. I was talking to my boss about it today. He's lost 75% of his 401k.
I always figured that my financial, erm, STRATEGY of never saving money, never buying into a retirement plan, using credit in a haphazard and irresponsible manner, and buying frivolous and unncecessary things when I DO have money, would some day be revealed as the wisdom it truly is. *snaps fingers* THAT'S for all your worrying about me being poor my whole life, Mom and Dad! Hah! xoxo
lol - You must have diabolical money! At least mine is polite with the parting salutations.... Even, every now and then, it replaces itself with things I actually wanted!
I know it was said earlier, but now is the time when you should buy stock. The market will eventually go back up and when it does, you could end up with a lot of profit.