Hey, i've been torn between what font i should use for thought in my first-person character. Should it be italicized or normal font? and i am consistent -I just want to know the norm before i make any big changes.
Go to word mechanics and read the over 160 posts on the subject and if after that you still don't know .... well I'm beginning to think no one really has the 411 on that question.
Do the mods ever merge threads? I've seen that done in other forums. At a minimum, this thread should be locked.
I've made the case more times than I care to count. Just because I haven't done so yet again for you does not make you right. Do the research yourself, instead of trying to prevail by sheer volume. I'll give you a hint. If you actually read the style manuals, you will arrive at the answer. If it were just your own obstinacy, I'd let you cling to your misuse of italics. I object to your insistence on swaying others to your position like a religious fanatic trying to shout down his own shaky faith. There are specific uses for italics, and they are enumerated in style guides. Unspoken thoughts is not one of those uses. There are specific ways to format dialogue, both spoken and unspoken. Italics is not one of them. There is a tendency, especially among newer writers, to use italics as duct tape to compensate for poor writing. Resist the temptation.