So here's the deal. In my story I have it set to where basically these crystals that sprung up from the planet allows people to gain various powers depending on the crystal found. However after speaking to a friend, he brought up the notice that its not just 'magic' that allows them to do these things but each power has a scientific reason to why its happening. For example, being able to form water by taking the water molecules from the air around or electric currents by enhancing ones nervous system to lethal amounts (okay, I'm no science major but you get the idea.)... anyway what says you guys?
I think it's your choice. You can go into as much or little detail as you want with that type of thing. Some readers will enjoy the science aspect, and some will be bored out of their minds by it. Good fantasy does not require a scientific explanation for everything that happens, although it can if that's what you're interested in. If you're not interested in the details, though, don't let your friend convince you to write it in. Remember, it's your novel.
Those aren't scientific reasons, they're just explanations that take the magic one level further away. "He magically creates water!" isn't really any more magical than, "He magically takes water molecules out of the air!" Either way, something unexplained is going on. If you want to assume that there's a scientific explanation underneath, that's fine, but your friend's argument is unconvincing.
It's magic, since you're doing something not naturally possible. The scientific part of it is just an examination of the effects of the magic on the world.
Sounds like spirit science to me. Yeah a contradiction in terms. (Serious Part) There is how ever some evidence that some unique people possess 'powers' beyond the average. Like a guy that uses Qui energy to start fire, or another person that is a less powerful version of Magneto. So it is entirely up to you whether it is science or magic. There is plenty of stuff to look at before you make a decision, not that it will 100% verify if it is real or not, but hey this is just an idea.
Old saying. Todays tech was magic yesterday. I mean when you get down too it what are science and magic? Science is anything that can be explained/repeated. Magic is well anything that can't be explained or repeated. So if we use that as our deffinition. Which I do personally. If you wish to is your call. Everything that happens in a movie is "The science of that movie." Think Harry Potter "magic" could be repeated and explained. Just because it wasn't universally understood doesn't change that. Just like how 20,000 years ago. We didn't know how to harness electricity. To them it would have been like magic. So in that sense. It is science of your world. Magic to ours and you can call it whatever you damn well want too. In my opinion. Hope it helps..
The more you try to use a scientific explanation the more potential holes you open up in the logic of your world. Unless there is a good reason to try to make it scientific, I'd leave it as magic.
I've found the magic in my setting to be very scientific and magic is not a word upon which is used for that very reason. There is nothing "magical" about being able to repeatedly act and do something in a certain way, but know where you are heading at all times when you use "magic terms".
Magic based on science, is difficult at the best of times. Someone like Robert Jordan, in his Wheel of Time. Went only a little way to give scientific credence to their magical power. Introducing weaves, to give them more 'substance'. But if you try to get right down and gritty, trying to explain magic with science. You will probably find a lot of readers will turn off rather quickly. In the beginning series of Fringe. They tried to describe various seemingly magical things with science, and for someone like me that takes an avid interest in science, I spent most of the first series, saying out loud 'That just wouldn't happen.' Or 'That's impossible.' It's a fine line and needs to be addressed carefully. You could just end up, turning readers away, if you try to be clever with science explanations. Tolkien kept it ALL magical with no explanations at all! Just my thoughts. Regards Mike
Holy... I didn't think I'd get this many replies on the subject. Anyway, that's what I was thinking, that explaining every single power and 'how it works' could be rather boring... Magic is magic. If I have to get down to explanations then I can but in the end I agree with "Screw the rules! I control water! Mwahahaha!" On a completely unrelated note, I really enjoy this site. Everyone is so helpful~ Thank you guys x3