Beyond Anime theme songs not really. I will however say that as a band, High and Mighty Color sounds pretty good no matter what language they sing in.
With a few exceptions, the only worded songs I listen to are Japanese and Chinese, so Yes. As a matter of fact, my top three favorite songs are japanese.
I listen to anime theme music, but that is what got me into certain bands. Fiction Junction is one of my favorite. Red Mel Faction Yoko Kano Angela I listen to stuff like that.
Honestly, most J-pop grates on my nerves. But I like Maximum the Hormone songs where it switches between J-pop, metal, and alternative. Good stuff.
Uh... I can't even stomach most J-Pop. It's really interesting to see Japanese bands though; they dress like they're still in the '80's. Still, there are some decent J-Pop artists. I like Monkey Majik moderately well, and I can listen to Mongol 800.
I guess we're a rare bunch on this forum, Leaka. I'm a big fan of Jpop/ J R&B artists, like Chemistry Pushim Kimura Kaela Shimizu Shota Rip Slyme , and bands like, The Pillows BEATCRUSADERS Supercar Err. Which ones???
I know we are rare. And none of the J-pop bands have I seen wear 80's clothes. Most of them were traditional Japanese clothing and others wear modern clothing. Like the Fiction Junction lady wears a kimono in one of her videos. And you might be mistaking Harajuku for 80's
Japan and France are pretty advanced in fashion compared to the US. They revive fashion, so maybe that's where Last1Left got that from, unless we're talking about visual Kei bands, which are .. in a league of their own.
Hmmm... I think I misspoke. Alright, so I was in a hotel very recently in Shibuya and extremely bored because I couldn't get around very well without knowing the language. So, I waited for a brother of mine who studies there to pick me up. Basically, all I did was watch TV, and there was this like Top 30 artists of the month thing on. When I said 80's, I was really referring to how some of the Japanese men wore tight pants and flashier shirts. That's all, and I can't really speak with much authority because I've only been to Japan twice. And no, I'm not against Japanese fashion, though I'm not for the died hair or fake curls either. But I do like French fashion from what I've seen, which again isn't much. ... That was possibly the first conversation I've had about international fashion.
Most? Don't you mean all??? I cant stand it, along with anime and all that stuff. I listen to pretty much anything else, my collection spanning from an American punk rock band to a Greek hip-hop singer!
How could you say something like that? J-pop is unique compared to these American bands. J-pop I find if you listen to the right stuff you here a lot of unique sound to it. As these pink bands now a days just sound the same to me.
LOL we're probably talking Visual Kei here. I can understand your sentiments there, as I've never really been into them myself. Or the older bands that survive through the '80's and '90's, like the Cro Magnons. I still love the Cro Magnons, formerly, The High-Lows, formerly The Blue Hearts >_>;; I can understand people not liking some anime. After all, I don't like some british shows like Spooks. I can't say I can't stand all British shows, as I haven't seen much, and there are a few I like, like Doctor Who. Once I've seen the bulk of anime (the good bulk) then I'll complain that I can't stand it. Apparently, that hasn't happened yet, as Planetes and Fantastic Children stamped out all distrust ... For now, that is. But to each his own.
True, but they are "normal" programmes, as in not cartoon. I don't like cartoon programmes, with a passion! I just can't stand the characters not being real, being drawn just looks awful. I have never liked cartoon programmes really, even Yu-Gi-oh, pokemon etc, when I was younger. Except the simpsons, but that is a different kind of cartoon. Anime for me is just, I don't really know how to explain it, I just detest it. Rant over
I listen to it, but only one or two artists. Not that I find it annoying. I don't really care for it that much. However, YUI is very good, and I have been listening to her for a long time.
Gladiatus, you don't have to explain your position. There are a lot of guys I want to hit over the head with for saying things like that. No, I'm kidding. People just like different things. I just prefer a good story, no matter what format it comes in. Some people can't stand certain formats. I mean, I deplore the recent Simpsons epis. And I detest Family Guy and any of the like with a will enough to bend a truck, so I can understand. Sort of. ;/ Lemex: Have you heard YUI's new single Summer Song?
Some J-pop and J-rock is alright. I only really listen to the ones used in anime though. I did really like the second opening song used for Deathnote.
True. I got hooked on her after hearing " Life" up until her fifth single " Good-bye Days". I haven't been following her quite as much after that. Also, it was a major disappointment to see her in the movie Taiyou no Uta (intl: A Song to the Sun). She was really stiff. I felt really sorry for Takashi Tsukamoto, who played the main male lead. Though, to her credit, she did get better around the end.