So someone was going to start this thread and I imagine that in the time i've been typing someone else will have... It's tragic, the loss of any human life but as someone who inspired a lot of different feelings in people, good and bad, what do people think???
He was so talented...such a huge influence on so many people, all through his career. Deserves to be remembered for the musical legend that he was, not the spectacle he became.
My local radio station is playing a MJ marathon. I'm over it! Music revolutionises. It isn't perpetual. There's no need to play 1000 MJ songs just because he's dead. The pop music culture has changed already. Don't need to play his muisc all day. On a related note, Farrah Fawcett and Jeff Goldblum have also passed away today. Trust the media to pass over lesser stories.
It's devistating. I was only watching his videos the other day, too. I loved him and his music, especially as a child, I remember constantly watching the thriller video on my 'History' tape. I thought the stress and accusation he was put through was awful,and it was a shame that in the media he began to be portrayed as being so frail and weak. It was obvious, however, in his performances, that his soul was stronger than people gave him credit for. I believe that himself personally and the media portayal of him are totally separate things. The awful emotion his family must be going through...not to mention his billions of fans nation wide. A real legend and musical genius. Rest in peace.
I think I would have been a lot more upset about it had he died ten years ago, before all of the controversy that surrounded him started up. It just seems... weird. He was a good musician though, the King of Pop.
Whatever problems he might have had or whatever bad things he might have done, I still respect him a lot as an artist. I loved him so much as a child, in fact he was probably the first music I ever really was "into" on my own, as a kid *beyond what my parents played and what not*. RIP Michael and thanks for the great music.
It's not a new story. These great musicians contributed to my life and they all died too young: Janice Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, Mamma Cass, John Lennon, Buddy Holly, Duane Allman, Sid Vicious, John Bonham (Zeppelin), Karen Carpenter, Kurt Cobain, Steven & Cassie Gaines (Skynyrd), John Glascock (Jethro Tull), Jim Morrison, Ronnie VanZant (Skynyrd) . . . all died too young. It's a common theme in music. Goodbye, MJ.
Good God, I almost cried when I read the post about Goldblum, I have such a crush on him! Thank God that isn't true, people who make up these rumors are such losers. Agreed with Nacl, the good die young. I hope I do something cool in my life and then die young so I can be a legend! Hehe
Dr. Ian Malcolm can't die!!!! NO!!!!! I was upset to hear that someone could have a heart attack and die at 50. That seems too young. Scary.
When you encase yourself in plastic and go through as much as MJ did (career, personal life, court cases, money problems, etc) it all accumulates into a whole lot of stress. I would say 50 is a pretty good age for him to have lived to.
I won't be a hypocite. I though he was a very disturbed and creepy man, especially in the last several years. His cadaverous appearance, his eccentric behavior in his few public appearances, and the disconcerting allegations of inappropriate interactions with children: I cannot just dismiss all that. However, despite the bizarre figure he became, his contributions to the entertainment world were monumental. From his prodigious debut with the Jackson 5 to his rise to the King of Pop in the 1980's, his influence is arguably broader than that of Elvis or the Beatles. At the least, he is in the same league. He was a consumate entertainer, full of energy and unique in style. Love him or hate him, or anywhere in between, he will not be forgotten.
Michael Jackson was/is the legend of recent times. There will be no other quite like him, not for a good time at least. I know the world was divided on him based on his private life, but since my one true friend introduced me to the world of MJ, he has been more like a friend. I don't like all his music. I'm not even a fan of the "Thriller" album. To me he has always been this sweet, childish man with a beautiful smile. No matter what changes happened to his face, his smile always shone. It was a beautiful smile for a troubled man with no childhood. I know not getting a fulfilling childhood causes problems later on, i've been told the same of myself. Learning about this one small man, who really did change the world, and is proof that one man can make a world of difference. I read about someone who met him in his later years, and said he was so frail, and his hand was shaking. One of those things I would imagine, knowing full well it would never happen, was to hold his hand just once, or be one of those close friends that holds him. And as someone who forsakes any social life, friends or normality for the sake of music, this is devastating. I know everyon dies, I'm still heartbroken from the death of hide from X Japan. I don't care what the media does now. They've got the headline they've wanted for so many years. I wih they wouldn't exploit him though. He is more of a household name than Farrah Fawcett or Jeff Goldblum, but I don't think anyone's death should be exploited just to get airplay, sales etc. There's respect, and there's just plain stupid. I believe that part of the contributor, aside from everything he's been through, was the pressure and rehearsals of the tour. I wish they'd never gone ahead with that. He may still be alive with his children, at least for a little longer. I found out last night. I didn't believe it, thinking, oh, more exaggerations. I thought he was probably just in a coma but, it slowly sunk in that the inevitable was coming. It wa confirmed last night, and this morning i checked the news incase it was a bad dream. I went to work and caught a glance at the newspapers on my way in.. It was too much, the lights, the people. After 45 minutes of trying to be ok, crying, going to the loos frequently and losing my temper at screaming kids, I asked to leave. My head was pounding. Now, i'm not one of the "fans" who would scream at him, follow him, and faint in his presence. And i know few would understand the way i see him, but i'm not normal and i don't live a normal existance. But I know i'm not alone. Maybe here, but across the world I know other people are unable to function. He may be gone (as incomprehensable as that is) but he will never die. Rest in more peace that you were permitted while alive Michael. No one will hurt you anymore. We love you.
It was cardiac arrest and it can happen to anyone. Only a couple days ago, someone sent me a link to a clip of a 24ish year old footballer who collapsed of cardiac arrest on the pitch and died.
ROTFLMAO! That is one of the best typos I have ever read! There are reports coming out today that MJ overdosed. Personally, I was never a fan of his but I was a fan of Mamma Cass, Jimmie Hendrix, Jim Morrison and many others who died too young. Musician is a deadly occupation.
Overdose? I had my suspicians. He was apparently under alot of stress and rehearsing like mad....that has energy pills written all over it, if you ask me. High caffiene pills and lots of them cause heart attacks for even the fittest, and seemingly healthiest of people. They're just death in capsuels. Poor guy, what a way to go
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so. I cracked up when I saw the "kink of pop." And then I started trying to decide if Cog did it on purpose.
I was just watching ESPN and Serena Williams said she met him and he was a great guy and so were his kids. For some reason I doubt this... She also seemed annoyed by the reporters not focusing on tennis.
Overdosed on painkillers apparently.. Sigh, I never could stand the guy, controversies or not. But I'll say one thing. He felt what he sang. RIP Michael.
I've listened to his music since i was really young and i have always thought he was a genius, despite anything he has done in the past that doesn't change the fact that he was the king of pop. RIP MJ you shall never be forgotten. P.S I also feel sorry for all my friends that had bought tickets and the were very excited about seeing him.
Hmmm, Perhaps a Freudian slip. But I fixed it. :redface: Those "reports" are only speculation at this point. They;ve just begun the autopsy, and don't have the tox screen results yet. People around hime were concerned about the pain killers he was using, but his full cause of death is not yet determined. I won't be surprised if that is determined to have been the cause, but it appears he had a lot of medical problems apart from the medications.
DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! I love Jeff Goldblum. He should be in everything. Pertaining to the King of Pop, though. I never really thought about him dying. Usually at the beginning of every year, I make a celebrity death list. He's never been on it. I kinda just assumed he'd always be there, just being a crazy dude. Damn, Wikipedia is really fast. Apparently his biographer reported a few months ago that MJ has a catalog of roughly 100 songs that he wished to be released posthumously to raise money for his children. If that's true, I'm really curious to hear them.
I heard that his doctor took off and they can't find him and he might have given him too much of the pain killer. I did not even now that he had an album out recently. He will be missed..
Too much speculation on the news spots now. They can't wait for the facts, so now they are spreading guesses and semi-informed theories. Gotta feed the public, even if it's non-nutritive pablum.