I appreciate that many on here may not know of her plight. Type her name into google and you'll be furnished with information. Despite her inappropriate comments, isn't it a tragedy that a woman so young is about to leave two small children because of cancer? The upper/middle/pseudo middle class press in Britain are disgusting in their change of tact since her diagnosis. Death sells papers eh?
I can't really get beyond "sucks to be her." I mean, sure, dying of cancer sucks, but plenty of people die of diseases all the time. Many of which are perfectly curable, with the right medicine and nutrition. They don't get anything like the coverage and sympathy that this woman has gotten. They die in nasty hovels in the Third World, often with no one around.
Agreed. To add to this, there is really nothing about the women that makes me think the world will be that much worse without her.
I'm also going to jump on the bandwagon and say "who gives a crap?" There's Genocide all over the world, but oh no, let's stop and bask in the death of some stupid ****. PS. What's the swearing rule here? Someone get back to me on that.
Hey, even my Mom knows her!But, I saw when she got the news that she'd been tested positive for the cancer, and it was so sad!! But shucks to media, so many people die around the world each day, and do they care? A celebrity dies, and all you see in the newspaper is their face. It's sad, and God bless her-but life goes on.
I agree. She's a money grabbing publicity junkie and I think it's an insult to the thousands of other people, mostly more worthy, who are in a similar position. I think she is a low life and most of the money she raises should go to the cancer charities, not to give her children more money than they can use. What sort of message is she giving them? It's the same with "celebrity" mothers - why should the birth of their children be more special and newsworthy than anyone elses? Or do they concieve and give birth in a totally different way to the rest of us? It's also a slap in the face for couples who have been trying in vain for years and still cannot have a baby. Argh!!!! Rant over.
I still feel quite bad for her. I'm not a fan and i never watched big brother but she's still a young person with young children. I can't imagine what's it like to know you aren't going to be there for your children, especially as she's split with the natural father (i believe?) It's more the people buying these papers/magazines that worry me, getting entertainment from her dying. I think there's also a lot of good from it, in that many people are going for their first smear test because of the publicity so maybe some nice intelligent people will be saved because of this.
Indeed, she has my empathy for being so young and having such an unfortunate turn in her life. One of my family had a close call with cancer last year and so it's not hard to approach it. As a previous poster said, the media's turnaround into sensitive sycophants is quite hypocritical and disgusting (especially the red top rags), but what I find most unsettling is the gross invasion of her privacy. You'd think we'd have the common sense to leave her and her family alone during this time, yet the media are like vultures. Ravenous, cruel vultures who'll cling to anything to sell their product to the masses. And the masses that are buying into this macabre spectacle... Well, I haven't the words and I'd shame myself by resorting to less than spectacular vocabulary to describe their ilk. I'm quite glad to hear she's been building up a fund to send her children to a private school. With the way the state system is, at least they'll hopefully be able to escape the deluge of propaganda and self-hatred that plagues the system. And hopefully they'll make something of themselves; leave a proper legacy for their mother who, let us be frank, acquired hers for all the wrong reasons. Still, may she rest in peace. There are far, far worse people on this earth who deserve it. She certainly didn't.
Yeah, it's sad but face it - she's been lucky. How many mothers are dying of cancer right now, knowing that they may have absolutely nothing to leave behind for their children? Jade is practically selling her own death to OK! magazine to allegedly give her boys money, and yet how much of that has gone towards buying perhaps a new scanning machine for a hospital, or useful equipment for the future? Absolutely none. She is leaving no legacy. To be honest i'm disgusted each time i see her face on the front of a magazine. All I see is jade goody having not learned one bloody lesson since being diagnosed - she's STILL all 'me, me, me'. Publicising her sickness in this way is not a way of raising awareness about cervical cancer - it's about raising awareness about her own death. Dont get me wrong, i feel sorry for her and her family - but i do NOT feel any more sorry for her than your average girl who is dying of cancer. The fact that she didn't even wear a wig on wedding just tells me that she wants it to be obvious to her children that she was sick when she got married, and as for the idiot she got with - more fool her for believing that moron's gonna be looking after her kids. When they look back on their photo's, all they'll see is their idiot mother displaying her bald head proudly as though sickness is something to be bold about. As if her kids need to see that when they remember their own mother. I know what sickness looks like. My own grandad is terminally ill with cancer, and let me tell you - this ridiculous make-up smeared face that's pasted on the magazines is not the face of someone terminally ill. It makes me sick that when people all over the world are losing their loved ones, we still have to see her face slapped on every cover and there's no escaping it. I wont go into details about how my grandad looks right now, but he looks extremely ill. He looks extremely depressed. He doesn't look like the same person anymore and it has broken my heart and the hearts of everybody in our family to see him suffering. This whole thing about Jade Goody makes me sick, the sheer audacity she has to believe that the world wants to know about her death, instead of simply closing the doors and passing in peace. No, what does she do? She flies off to photoshoots and makes a few million for her kids (For her idiotic boyfriend more like, who will walk away with half the estate now). How many working class kids would get all that money when their mum's have passed? Heck , how many WANT it? Frankly, love means more to me than money. Clearly, Jade Goody missed that somewhere along the line.
You do realise she sold the rights to all photo's and interviews and even her own DEATH to these magazines, right? She wants them around. She wants the publicity. We can't blame the institutions for taking her offer - yes, they're sick vultures, but haven't they always been? The fact that the media has leaped on this should not be the thing that surprises you - what's surprising is the fact that she hasn't learned one lesson since being diagnosed and she is still the money-snatching attention whore that she always was.
I told my Mum about that practically selling her death over stuff, and she was like, wasn't this the woman who was supposed to be in great pain?
Well it's supply and demand. She'll have them published it when she dies and people will read it/look at it. Least it'll support her children i suppose.
well, yeah, but I bet if you asked the children, they'd prefer to spend their mother's last days together with her in total privacy, and not hounded by everything and anything.
Exactly, but instead she's asked for this. It seems to me that all she thinks of is herself and not the kids, even in her dying days.... I cant believe she married that imature idiot. He'll now get half her estate and I guarantee he'll abandon those children in time and be out with somebody else in 6th months. In the back of my mind, i still have this awful feeling that this has been a set up somehow, and that she'll stage a miraculous recovery all to boost her publicity. I guess that's because when i first heard about it, I thought that it'd all blow over and that it was all for publicity. I really hope this isnt - there are people who would commit murder to get revenge on her for doing this. That'd be a sick, sick scam.
No doubt. I don't know how old they are (some people when there really sick refuse to se their family anymore, it happens often). Australian msn has been taling about her all week. I refused to read it when i found out she was one of "those" celebrities from BB etc.. Would rather read proper news. People these days go to levels that you never expect to witness...then the day after its beaten.
What kind of cancer does she have? Cause she looked well.... somewhat decent in the photos ive seen. Compared so people with cancer i have been with (with days to live that is).
^ Just another one of the many things that disgusts me. She does not represent a sick person. She's been made to look all angelic, it's sickening. One of the title's was 'The angels are calling me' with her in her sick bed. Disgusting.. Anyway, she has cervical cancer. She ignored a letter from the hospital saying they found cancerous cells that needed to be removed. So, y'know, what did she expect to happen?
People, do anything for publicity. I hated her for the rascist comments she made in Big Brother for Shilpa. And then I had to acknowledge her guts in coming to India for Big Boss. Her loss though, if she can't understand that there is life beyond her. And Ashleigh-I bet she fell in love(imagine that, her loving someone else, other than herself. j.k.)
Well i wish her well with the afterlife. Im not religious but she might have some making up to do. If she is dying i wont say anything nasty. There is no point as shes about to be given what nobody really wants, death. Its the ultimate bitchslap. I just hope her "real" family get though this media jumbo circus joke, cause well.... when its over baby, its really over.
With all this going on around Jade Goody, everyone seems to have forgotten that at the same time thousands of others suffer from terminal illness, including some well-known celebrities. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Patrick Swayze (or whatever he's called - I'm not an expert at names) have some form of terminal illness? However, he's stayed out of the limelight, choosing to spend his final months giving his family memories of him to cherish when he's passed on. Recently, Wendy Richard, the actress, passed away from cancer, and you didn't see her spending hours on TV raising her profile whilst wallowing in self-pity. Jade Goody's just milked her cancer for all its worth, eking out every bit of publicity for herself that she possibly can. I have no respect for someone like her, who embodies all that is wrong with today's celebrity-obsessed world. And to really rub salt in the wound of sanity, I was on Facebook the other day just after the gunman had gone on the rampage in Germany, shooting 15 dead (10 of which were children). One of my old schoolfriends had changed her status to being about Jade Goody: 'xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx is supporting Jade Goody in her brave battle. Go babes!' There's something wrong in a world where a self-pitying celebrity gets more sympathy than the families and friends of ten dead children.
Exactly! This woman became famous for being stupid - 'isn't Portugal in China?'. Instant celebrity culture put someone in the limelight for no particular reason. Then after her racist comments on Celebrity Big Brother, (which she only went on because she had become 'famous' after making an utter fool of herself on normal Big Brother) the papers tore her to shreds. Now, they're wallowing in her misfortune and sucking right up to her with stories like 'Jade's Cancer Hell' etc. Hypocrites. Why should this woman be singled out for her bad luck while 8 teens and young people a DAY are diagnosed with cancer? It's in terrible taste the way her life has been followed by camera, right up until her death. Nothing in this affair has been private. What next - a state funeral or an MBE?