Alot of things, alot of things. It's part of human nature. Anyone who says they dont get jealous of anyone or anything is full of ****. Trivial things make me jealous, the main one inolving my exs and her now numerous boyfriends...
I get jealous when a girl flirts with my bf right in front of me. Actually that just might be anger...although they are kind of the same thing for me.
Ha and then you go through scenes in your head where you mutilate and humiliate that girl. Several times over! What makes me jeleous.... Not sure. A lot of things I suppose, my friend going on a trip to New Zealand recently even though I don't have much intrest in going there, she had the guts to save up and go. Saving. I'm jelous of people being ability to save. I'm terrible at it. Jelous of people being able to stick to things and jelous of other people getting flowers and pressies from their boyfriends when Mine has to be hassled into thinking about it! though that might not exactly help my case.... So a lot of things. But I also have things that people are jelous of me. I have a wonderful boyfriend that loves me for me, he has his own house, or paying it off at least and some girls have guys that live in dingy rental blocks (not ALL, just a few), I have agreat computer and the internet and several friends. I have my licence, a car from a loan which I got straight away (which my brother was spitting chips about cause he couldn't get a lone!) So yeah, I have a lot of things now where I used to be jelous of other people having. If you catch my meaning.
I distinguish between envy and jealousy. Envy is seeing what someone has and wishing it were yours. Jealousy is rage because you think someone else might break into a relationship you have with a person. Jealousy is fear and insecurity. To me, though, it says you don't fully trust the person you have a relationship with, you think they will be influenced to turn away from you. I don't easily get jealous. I have felt it when I thought someone was distancing from me, but it's not a feeling I generally succumb to. Envy, that I do feel more often. I envy people who own a house. I envy people who can draw and paint good portraits. I envy people who speak fluently in more than one language. The list goes on and on. Sometimes envy makes me try harder. Other times it makes me sad that I cannot do everything.
I know jealousy well. It's a strong and terrible thing. When jealousy manifests, I focus not on the object of my jealousy, but on the fact that I do have ultimate control over my life--I can change objects of pleasure with sufficient thought. Pleasure is subjective and malleable to my will if I do so choose to bend it.
nothing, any more, thank goodness!... in my old life, fears [or evidence] of infidelity would have, of course... not much else, though, if anything... since i gave up 'self' a dozen years ago, i have no wants, ambitions, or needs, so therefore have no reason to be either jealous or envious of anyone... accepting the 'what is' in all personal situations relieves one of those self-destructive pests... but it's not that easy for most to do, i guess, or more would... happily, don't have to...
I normaly don't feel Jealousy. But when I do, I just get depressed. Only a person who has everything they want can not be affected by Jealousy on one level.
My wife beating me at bloody chess. Damn thats annouying when that happens. Especially when she dances around the room sing Loser loser. Women......Go Figure aye.....
lol Raven that is hilarious. I don't suffer from jealousy as I've everything in life that I need as long as I have my two little angels by my side <that was cheesy hey lol)
Cheesy it was like Dairylea cheesy Tor. lol Now Im jealous I didn't think of that first. Damn this thread
I am not a jealous person for material things. I have all I need in this world. I am jealous in a way of the confidence some people have. I have no self confidence and even though I have been working on it for 32 years it still eludes me when I am around my extended family. That is changing since my father died but it is still lurking in the background.
HAHAHAHAHA I am too good lol and yes it was pretty damn cheesy lol :redface: And you couldn't think of that cause only I can be that cheesy and get away with it lol