So, yeah. I have a job interview tomorrow (it's taken me like a year of hunting to get one...) soooo... I haven't really had one before. Can you give me some advice/tips: what to do and what not to do?
Dress properly, nails timmed, polished shoes etc. Smile, keep your back straight and head up. Look confident.
yup, that! and be sure to do your homework first... find out what they're looking for and do your best to make them sure you can provide it...
- Be on time. Better to be earlier than late. - Dress smart, as has been mentioned - Check the company website and memorise a couple of 'facts' - Strong handshake = confidence - Eye contact is important, but don't stare Good luck!
In addition to what everyone else has said, for the few interviews I had, I learned that it's better to listen to the question, wait for a moment or two, then answer. If you're the kind of person (like me) who just wants to answer everything immediately, be sure not to get tongue-tied or lose your train of thought. Good luck!
Good luck, and CONGRATULATIONS!! What everyone else said about looking professional and having proper ettiqute stands strong, but I'd also like to add that it's important to come with knowledge about the company and their mission. This shows you've done your homework. Don't quote their website every five seconds or compliment too excessively -- there is such as thing as sucking up -- but if you learn what their mission is you can show them why YOU are the BEST choice for them. For example, if their mission statement talks about inspiring others, or innovation, or strong values, or top-notch service, you can use that to neatly tie up answers like "--and the experience gave me an advanced sense of individual leadership and the importance of taking initiative, which I can bring to the table for [insert company name] by _________."
Heh heh, thanks everyone I took all your advice, and I must say it helped a lot. I got the job 8D; (okay so it's part time but that's what I needed) @ Mallory: X3 Yes, I quoted part of the comapny's mission statement to the manager who was interviewing me and he was like: ... 'Wow you actually researched us...'