1. Gracia Bee

    Gracia Bee Member

    Sep 10, 2011
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    Discussion in 'General Writing' started by Gracia Bee, Dec 26, 2011.

    I was just wondering, do any of you keep journals? I am going to start one in the new year because I think it will be a good way to practise my writing a bit more. Also it will be fun because other than the book I am working on I do no other sort of writing. If you do keep a journal what do you write about and what techniques do you use? Because I had a bit of a go at it before and I lose all my grammar skills, don't complete my sentences, jump from the topic too many times and other random stuff.
    bye bye
  2. Tesoro

    Tesoro Contributor Contributor

    Jan 3, 2011
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    A place with no future
    I have been writing journals on and off for my entire life, but right now I usually only write when I'm upset, as it helps me to digest it or get it out of my mind or coming up with a solution for problems etc. i think stuff like that are highly personal and I don't think one should worry about techniques in this case. i sure don't write it to improve my writing (but now that you got me thinking I wonder if it has affected me in the writing without my knowledge, because I have never had much trouble getting what I think about onto paper even when I write stories and I don't worry much about self critique in the first phase). interesting thought, though. I think you should write about whatever that comes to mind, there are no rights or wrongs.
  3. Ettina

    Ettina Senior Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I used to keep trying to keep a journal, but found that I kept forgetting to write in it, and finally decided it was too much trouble. I had all sorts of ideas of what I was supposed to write about and often I didn't feel like writing all of that.

    Now I only write when and what I feel like, instead of trying to keep a schedule. Closest thing I have to a journal now is my blog, abnormaldiversity.blogspot.com, but I don't write about my life except in general terms. Instead I write about my opinions.
  4. TheeJoeyGirl

    TheeJoeyGirl New Member

    Dec 21, 2011
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    I've been journaling (not constantly, but on an off) since I was in kindergarten, when they forced me to write. After that I realized I really enjoy it and kept with it. My sentence structure isn't always the best, but I prefer strange sentences to not writing at all.

    I write about my day, my life, my family, and sometimes my writing. Soon I would like to start my own blog as well. That's one of my new year resolutions.
  5. Gracia Bee

    Gracia Bee Member

    Sep 10, 2011
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    I like the thought of journaling, of recording your life in the making or whatever, and used to keep a diary when I was little (It was full of crap) but have never been serious about it. I'll probably have the same problem as Ettina with school and all but i think I'll try to make time.

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