I just printed the first fifty pages five times (250 pg = 13$). I discovered my stupidity when I saw there was no header, for I just highlighted the fifty pages and hit print selection. No page numbers! Should I eat the 13 bucks and print them out again, or just send them without a header?
Polish your shoes, come your hair, and wear your best suit. You are making a first impression, and you should make the best one you can. $13 is not an expensive lesson in the grand scheme of things.
ditto that!... chalk it up to a lesson learned and be more careful next time... and make sure you have the header done properly, with the following info at the right top margin: last name / key word(s) of title / page number
Thanks for the replies. I reprinted the whole batch, and they’re now home in snug envelopes. At least my wallet is now slim in my pocket.