Hello there! I haven't been an active writer for a very long time and usually I experience difficulties keeping it up during everyday life. However, I'd like to raise my motivation level and also my ability to handle words nicely, language wise. I'm not sure if I can assign a specific genre to my writing, but I'm quite interested in spooky tales. I'm pretty kinky and although this is not a kink community and I needn't (and probably shouldn't) share everything that's on my mind regarding that section, I feel it's worth mentioning. BDSM (and passion in general, not necessarily in a sexual way) is a fascinating topic to me and makes for a large proportion of my motivation to write. Apart from kink and spook and dark forests, I'm interested in stories like Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. I like how he portrays human nature in such a loveable - and at the same time critical - way. I'm more of a short story person than of a novel person. Maybe I tend to get impatient from time to time. That's all I know to say about me and writing for now. Who knows in which ways this self description might change over the course of time? I'm looking forward to finding out! All the best BeyondWords
Hi @BeyondWords, I am sorry to hear that, but I believe you can get a pill these days that makes a tremendous difference... <serious_mode> A big welcome from me, it sounds like you have a tremendous amount to offer, and I look forward to seeing you around. I am a huge Pratchett fan also, and I like a good kink (but have kept it to IRL so far, perhaps I should introduce it to my writing...)
Oops, I meant keep going with writing. Idioms... my excuse is not being a native speaker But I like playing with words so that's fine. Yay, fellow Pratchett fan ^^
I've heard good things about Pratchett, but haven't given him a read. Well have fun, and possibly dabbling in mixing all those things into a neat story stew (if you happen to like mixing genres). Happy Writing.