Anywho. I'm stuck here alone with a pregnant cat giving birth and I'm definitely more then scared. I've got the wet towels and a phone handy but I don't know what to really do. So far ones out. My mother had to pick the perfect time to work late.
Don't worry Bick The cat will do all the work. Duke my 2 year old well his Man was home alone and deleivered all 9 of his 4 brothers and4 sisters. Animals are used to giving birth. Don't panic either.
Anywho. After that panic - Shaking body and everything. I'd like to blame the extra "t" in the title for that shaking. Nonetheless. One stillborn, one dead, and one living and from what my mother can tell we think the birthing process is over. She's finally taking care of the only kitten she has right now, but I'm not sure it's eating :/ I'm never taking any more birth experiences, ever again. That scared the hell out of me.
I'm sorry about the one that didn't make it, Bick; and I hope the other little one comes around ok, too. I adore cats, and my last one had a few litters - she would always choose my room for the birth and would freak out if I didn't stay beside her the whole time, so I know what it's like.
Anywho. I just woke up about an hour ago to find the first kitten that had lived, dead. I got pretty upset over that, until alas, even after she had finished giving birth, she gave birth hours later? Is that normal? Because I found /another/ kitten in which was dead, and it hadn't been there before. So there I was with two very uncared for kittens that she had apparently left. Then I go to see if she is okay, and what do I find under her nursing? A giant kitten. Which my mother has now imformed me, is a normal-sized kitten, not a huge giant freak. So apparently, the rest were premature? I'm confused. Does anyone from my description, know what the hell happened? And for the count. 4 dead, one live.
Wow, it sounds like your cat had a hard time with this birth. I'm glad to know that one is still alive.
That's very normal Bick, it often happens to dogs while birthing too. We recently had a dog give birth to 10 dogs at the shelter, only to find she gave birth to an 11th hours later. I don't think it's really normal that 4 passed away, but it does happen unfortunately The mother will be pretty distressed by this, so will probably be very protective of the kitten that survived. She may become quite defensive or upset if/when you try to take the kitten away from her. Good luck with the little fluff ball RIP kittens
Thank you ILTBY and CDR. =) I'm crossing my fingers for this last kitten, I'm not quite sure if it's nursing, hard to tell. Do you happen to work at an animal shelter? If so. That must be an amazing job.
very normal. was this her first litter? If one was much larger than the others it is quite common for the small ones to not survive. The largest got most of the nutrients and was stronger. Also if it was her first litter the births are spread out over a longer period of time. Sorry you had to be upset by the deaths but really it is the law of nature.
HUGS! LOTS OF HUGS! I had to watch my moms cat give birth to 8 kittens that all died in seconds of birth due to being manx and deformed badly. Was horrid. I am so sorry you hasd to witness that hun. Fingers crossed the other maes it through though.
Sorry to hear that Bick. As for the size of the other kittens that died, it's called intrauterin growth retardation. It's when all the nutrients are sucked up by 1 or 2 in the litter and the others suffer. It can happen in human pregnancies too. Usually occurs with twins. Don't let one bad birth expierience kill it for the rest you will undoubtedly have throughout your life time. Birth is a beautiful thing and should be cherished. (Says the future midwife).
My best friend runs one, so I volunteer there and get to help out a lot It's great being able to interact with so many dogs, but it can also be pretty distressing. Can I ask, how did she fall pregnant?
From my kitten actually. We need to really get him fixed. He just barely turned a year old a week ago.
Aah, oh dear. Yes, definitely get them both desexed, it will save a lot of stress in future. Unfortunately that's where a lot of shelter dogs and cats are sourced from
Yeah. Definitely, might make my kitten less aggressive too. Or so from what I've heard. It was lovely meeting you, btw. Don't see you around too often.
This happened to my kitty too. She had two that were premature and that she wasn't interested in caring for, and one week later, she had another that was a normal size... I have no clue how that came about. It was bizarre.
Wow, that must have been pretty scary. I'm sorry for the kittens that didn't make it. *Hug* They are in my thoughts.
YEAH CONGRATULATIONS MOMMY! WELCOME TO LIFE KITTENS! Congrats to you as well! I have two cats, but they are male. Kale is the oldest and he loves me. He follows me everywhere I go. And Blue Ball is my new kitten and he loves me as well.
Aha, would you believe that Iulia has a character in the Biohazard RPG named Kale? Aw! A kitten (= What's he look like?
I'm sorry to hear about the kittens that didn't make it, but good luck with the one that is still alive. *hugs*
Blue Ball has gray and black. You know how a cat has white on their paws you know like socks. Well Blue Ball has black on his paws. The rest of him is gray, but he looks kinda blue in the light. His has really really deep saphire blue eyes. Thus the name Blue Ball.
./hugs to kit Thanks love (= Haven't talked to you in a while! Good to see you. He sounds adorable Leaka!