Lately, I have totally been into Mt. Everest stuff. This includes two series and three documentaries. Now I'm on to other mountain stuff. . . .
My most current phase, as anyone who read my short story can attest to, is wolves. Of course it's also a recurrent phase, kind of cyclic. Other than that, sadly, probably the Wii. Does that count? Obsessively trying to beat my 9 and 6 year olds at Mario Kart and Sports Resort and Donkey Kong Country Returns (well, actually, that one's mine....shhhh).
oh man, mine has to be folding bikes, since I got mine, i just can't stop riding it, and I'm telling everyone to buy one, and now I see more of them on the streets. You also you get one! I'm probably going to get another next year, smaller and faster folding Brompton.
Um. Teeth? Ha, ha! Let's hope that doesn't change. Otherwise, my choice to be a dentist isn't going work out so well.
My Android phone. Among other things, it has the Kindle app, so when I find myself waiting in line somewhere, I always have reading material handy.
As are as I am concerned, nobody has climbed Everest. Not one person. Ever. At least not from the bottom up. They cut out thousands of feet by flying to Kathmandu. Nobody treks up from seal level. They pick an elevated drop off point for reasons of convenience. That to me is cheating.
I do searches on when my chosen e-book reader is going to be available state-side. It's really a small tablet computer running linux, and it's cheap because it's got a grayscale lcd screen. My problem with many e-book readers was that they didn't seem to have word-processing utilities, but this is marketed as a note-taking device. Sorry, a bit of technology porn there. (Wipes drool away.) My other obsession is tropes.
The Titanic, right now. I used to be crazy obsessed with the story of it, way back when, and I just watched the movie, so my interest has been revived. I don't know why I enjoy depressing history so much...
Slowfood. A soup, stew or chili that takes hours to cook is usually worth the effort, and not that much work anyway. Just keeping an eye on the meat while it simmers.
I've been getting really interested in art journaling and photography lately. Oh, and the really subtle color of light, carnation pink O_O.
Latest fad? Drinking Powerade. I drink a bottle everyday. My last two day fad? My first external blog! Eee
Zombies. Watching The Walking Dead (fantastic show, by the way) has piqued my interest in them. I watched 28 Days Later recently and I liked it. Also watched Zombieland last night with my siblings and their friends, and it was a lot better than I expected it to be.
My latest fad has been anything indie, retro or vintage. For weeks now, I've been salivating at the dresses from