I'm having a substantial mental blank! I need a short phrase which lies somewhere between "f##k off" and "go away". Any ideas? Peace, AMJ
You can either make up your own swear words (good for fantasy/sci-fi), use Irish (Feck Off) or just go for something like "Go die in a fire." I suppose "piss off" would fall between the two also.
I'll list a few. Though some of them might accidentally be regional phrases, forgive me if they are. "Screw off!" "Piss off!" "Get out of my face!" "Leave. Now." Good luck!
Personally, I like the quintessentially British 'sod off' 'Bugger off' is also nicely cheeky but not all that profane
Either something short and sweet like, "Piss off!" Or something more longwinded and hilarious (mine might not be cliche, but you get the drift): "Why don't you go take a long walk off a short plank?"
"Get Stuffed" is the only one left I can think of, before one gets into longer phrases like "go take a jump in the lake" "take a hike"
You've already been given "Piss off". In British English we also have "sod off", "bugger off", "naff off". Or make up your own phrase: "Go stick your head in a bucket of boiling puke."
Bugger off is my term of choice, though it'd probably sound a bit twee if your character is a non-brit, in which case piss off or get lost both sound fine to me
Sod off. Bugger off. Leave. While you can. <nonverbal murderous glare> Be elsewhere. Begone! Drop dead.
Get the hell out of here! Get lost! Go away! Piss off! Screw off! Go screw/piss yourself! Go die in a <insert painful or undignifying place>!! Why are you still here? My God, are you still here? Scram! Run away. Now.
Stroll off Drag off Kick yourself out fend off Play somewhere else Get lost Close the door behind you or the simple: I'm busy Others gave you many examples, it's funny how many phrases one can find when they think about something. xD
Hi, It may be a kiwi-ism I don't know - but I grew up with "Rack off". I don't know what it actually means. Piss off, sod off, and bugger off were also popular options. And until last week when I read a thread that said it had sexual connotations in the US, stuff off and get stuffed were normal parlance. Cheers, Greg.
Thanks everyone! I think "bugger off" fits best! I still can't belive that I couldn't think of it on my own....And at least everyone was able to get all those off their collective chests! Have a wondeful day
I don't think 'bugger off' could ever be used in dialogue without being oddly funny. It's just not a serious word at all.
It's still in fairly common use in the North of England. Most of the suggestions have been regional, including that one.