  1. Bobby Crown

    Bobby Crown New Member

    Feb 22, 2021
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Currently Reading::
    Save the Cat!

    Let me introduce myself...

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Bobby Crown, Feb 22, 2021.

    Bobby Crown.. class clown. I've been doing my best to entertain people around me my entire life. I've been telling stories for as long as I can remember. Why not try my hand at writing movies?!

    Now, I'm not a complete novice in the writing game. I've been performing/writing whether it be in live theater, stand-up comedy, or musical venues since 1995! Yeah... I'm old.

    One of the biggest changes in my life occurred 2 years ago when I tore the quadriceps tendon in my knee while running. I would require surgery and be off my feet for about 7 months. After about a month of feeling sorry for myself, I decided it was finally time to write my first screenplay. So, I purchased Final Draft and I was off to the races! But not real racing, because of my stupid knee. I entered my screenplay in every competition out there and even made the quarterfinals in the Chicago Screenwriting Competition. However, many script evaluations kept arriving at the same conclusion. They all liked my story and dialogue, but my structure was... well... crap! An evaluator compared me to a car. "You have a good engine, but the outside is all dented up".

    So I've recently enrolled in The Los Angeles Film School to pursue a Bachelor's in Writing for Film & Television Program. I've recently finished my second screenplay during the pandemic and can't wait to start my third!

    My professional goal is to be a working writer in the entertainment industry. I want to tell stories and entertain people on a much larger platform than class clown Bobby had. I owe him for ruining his knees.
  2. Friedrich Kugelschreiber

    Friedrich Kugelschreiber marshmallow Contributor

    May 8, 2017
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    Welcome to the forum. Does the LA film school tell its students to sign up here? There have been a number of them recently.
  3. Bobby Crown

    Bobby Crown New Member

    Feb 22, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Los Angeles, CA
    Currently Reading::
    Save the Cat!
    Thanks for the welcome! One of the assignments this week is to sign up for a forum related to our field.
  4. Selbbin

    Selbbin The Moderating Cat Staff Contributor Contest Winner 2023

    Oct 16, 2012
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    Welcome. Is part of the assignment to explicitly mention LA film school? I ask because we often get LA film school peeps making a point about it, when no other new member is that specific. It's raised some eyebrows. I feel like they're asking you to advertise their school for them on writing forums. I haven't noticed many LA film school peeps actually actively engaging after signing up, either.

    Anyway, I hope you do, as we have a small but experienced screenwriting membership.

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