So we all have bad days, sometimes, terrible days when we don't feel like reading something weighty. What's your recommendation for a light and feel good read?
You know, speaking of light reads (even beach reading, LOL), I've been reading a lot of books by Jennifer Crusie lately. She does romantic comedy and is on the bestseller list (the same one I ran over the coals here recently). I had actually never read a book in the romance category before (I'm not kidding, I really haven't ), so when I scooped hers out of the library I had no idea what to expect. Basically, it was just hysterical. She has such a great sense of humor and her stories, even with the cliches that most romance novels have, were just plain fun to read. I've been reading a lot of really heavy stuff and subjects lately, so it was a relief to take a break and laugh my ass off for a while. It's definitely chick lit, and I think it wouldn't appeal to a lot of guys. But I love her focus on older women (instead of teens and twenty- somethings), and the fact that she pokes fun at every male/female stereotype in existence. Good stuff and lots of fun.