I am out of books to read and my friends while I like about 75% of what they suggest, I really am not willing to read the Lauren Conrad series. I liked the Hunger Games series because of the political aspects and the strategy. I think I would like books with this type of plot, but what I have seen has been fairly male centered. I would like it to be from the female perspective. Does anyone have an recommendations?
Have you read Divergent by Veronica Roth? It's not quite the same but it is pretty good - female perspective, dystopian.
I just started When She Woke, which so far is pretty good, but I'm not very far in yet. It's dystopian, with political themes surrounding religion, abortion, crime, punishment, etc, and has a female protagonist. (It's not YA, though.)
Shadow Hunters: The immortal instruments series by Cassandra Claire Tiger's Curse series by Colleen Houck
I found that Ender's Game had some elements similar to the Hunger Games. It has kids fighting each other, not to the death, but rather they're training for an alien invasion. Trust me, its better than it sounds.
Yep. Hunger Games was a blatant rip of of Battle Royale in the first place, but let's save that one for another time. The movie is also fantastic (Battle Royale, not Hunger Games)
I personally was surprised by The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda. Not one that's really interested in vampires but this kind of turned the idea on its head for me
I was going to say that. I hated Hunger Games, but Battle Royale, I feel, was an entertaining book. Mbear, if you are reading this, also be aware that it is not a kiddies book, so if you don't like blood and gore, do not read the book.
Anything by Octavia Butler. Her MCs are always very strong, diverse women. Her books are not YA, though. They are adult reads.
As others have mentioned, why not check out the book The Hunger Games was blatantly plagiarized from, Battle Royale? The movie and manga series are fantastic as well.
The Maze runner and two subsequent books by James Dashner (trilogy I believe) was good. The first book better than the second and I don't think I have read the third yet.
Check out The Passage by Justin Cronin. A hunted and dystopian society that's being hunted for food. Vampires like you've never really seen them before. I thought it was incredibly unique and interesting. It also touches on the hierarchy of the society, both for the humans and the vampires.