Hi there! Really simple proposition: I'm looking for a partner for a weekly writing project. We'll choose prompts on alternate weeks - a photo, a quote, a song, whatever. Then we'll produce a fragment of creative writing and compare. It might be fun to use a tumblr for it. (Apologies if this is in the wrong section of the forum. It seemed pretty general.) Anyway, it would be cool if we shared writing sensibilities (I like lit fic, sci fi, character-driven HBO shit, Jon Donne, Jon Swift, Angels in America...rap battling...Neal Gaiman...) but probably also cool if we didn't. The main thing is being down to commit to a once-a-week project for a few months. Say, 'till January. Holler at me! Tbot -tdotrot@hotmail.com
Why not make it a whole group and why not just invite everyone on the site to participate. We can put (Group Name) at the beginning of the title of the work so that people know what writing group we're in. There are contests like this, but your way sounds more fun. I'm in. Be cool if we got some more people willing to join also. Sounds like good practice. By the way, my favorites are history, action, adventure, fantasy (but not the elves, dawrves kind), sci-fi, and military...mainly. Sometimes, you find a good read wherever. Think of a name for our group
I'm up for it, but I'd want to work on my own WIP as opposed to doing prompts (Although I'm happy to make up prompts for you if that's helpful). If you want to do a word count friendly competition, challenging each other to reach goals, etc then I'm down for that. Email me (WF email under my avatar) if you're interested.