Ok so I know a lot of people hate Math. There are also a lot that love Math. So my question is- Why do you love Math? Why do you hate Math?
I love mathematics. It is a different way of approaching problems. It is a language with its own syntax, and when you rearrange the sentences, you discover profound revelations. It is a toolbox with a myriad ways to approach all manner of sutuations. It's more fun than a crossword puzzle. There is even a mathematics for describing languages.
I love math. It's challenging, it's strange, it's fun. And the energy I feel while sitting in class is just--exhilerating!
I have a love-hate relationship with math. If its math purely for the sake of math I have trouble with it. However when it comes to solving a problem for a reason (applying math like in computer science) I just get it.
Okay. I changed my mind. I don't love all math. Fractions and probabilty for some reason confuse me. Computer science is cool, but I'm too young to really understand it.
Sometimes math can be really fun to solve problems and feel really rewarding. Other times, to put it simply, it can be a bitch...
I simply love math. Mainly because i'm damn good at it, but also 'cause i feel at peace when i'm scribbling sums on a piece of paper.
I guess I hate math. If the numbers didn't do gymnastics all over the page I would probably enjoy it. But I just do not understand how you can figure out what is going on when you can't get the formulas to stay in place. My best friend all through school loved math and tried to help me out but it was no good.
If i have time to work out the answers and maybe some help- I'm okay with the simple of maths. But otherwise I hate it. I feel under intense pressure to be correct.... arg. I never got higher than a C in school with Maths.
I don't know about this Math you're all talking about, but Maths I have a love/hate relationship with It confuses me, but it's great when I understand it.
I always found math challenging. I dispised the math class I had in my last years of high school as it wasn't challenging what so ever. It annoyed me profusely. But in my early years of math I found it far more challenging and enjoyable. I love problem solving that is for sure.
I hate it so much for some inexplicable reason, maybe it's just the lesson, but I really like doing it to be honest with you. I am quite good at mths and can whiz through a lot and I quiet enjoy getting a harder thing to solve. I'm a geek
I'm the same way. If it's just math for no real applicable reason, I just get bored. But if it's something I end up using, or seeing a need for, I get interested.
heather you are far from a geek my friend. As far as I m concerned there is no such thing as a geek. Just those who take far more pride in learning and adding to their knowledge than others do and those people need praising for doing so! Never think you are a geek, think of others and less fortunate that they don't feel the same about expanding their minds and knowledge as much as you do!!!!!! Knowledge is the key to getting somewhere in life and those that call you or classify you as a geek are just afraid that you will be sucessful in life and that they will fail. Never be afraid of being knowledgable!!!!!
I love it because I understand it and that makes me feel accomplished. I also enjoy solving problems and using logic.
I hate it because it makes me feel stupid. I have a huge brain block when it comes to solving any problems to do with math. I can struggle my way through the basics and passed enough to get into community college, but other than that I can't and won't do it. No passion for it.
I liked maths at school. It was one of those lessons that I found easy. However, if i was asked to resit my exams I would probably fail! Once I left school I've never really used it. I was more into English, history and languages at school. They were more interesting to me than learning formulas and stuff!!
I enjoy logic and other math related things. I enjoyed learning about powers, etc. but stopped enjoying when logarithms were introduced. and then opted for geometry for my final math class. here is a fun, logic, time wasting game. took me 3-4 days to beat, with it open on my computer. (Orbox is the title, but I cant post the URL. search and click the hallpass dot com result)
I've always found math to be boring because it has always been very easy for me to figure out. Things that are so simple are irritating. Every time I learn a new way to solve a problem I either stand back and say, "hey, this is a lot easier," or I dismiss it completely and continue on with my old way. It's nothing very exciting and usually takes me a matter of seconds to figure out. Math has always been my easiest subject yet the one I always dread. I neither hate it nor love it.
It's basically because maths is direct subject. There's no gray, only black and white. So either someone can hate it or love it. I think. I don't hate it, but neither do I love it. sometimes it's cool and sometimes it's okay.
Hate it... I was never good at it. I use any excuse to get out of doing any kind of math to be honist.
Thanks for that chiickie. We don't like people thinking we are smart of other people being smart. I have everyone convinced at school that I am stupid which works really well in my advantage. But yea, I pretend I aint smart, on here aswell to some extent. See, I am quite smart and with things like Maths especially I don't even have to try with and I am good (not being bigheaded or owt but it's true). I caused problems when I was young, I spent most of my time being bullied and stuff. So now I ahve people thinking I am not very smart and no-one knows I write and stuff like that. I don't mind though to be honest with you, it does have its advantages.