I write lyrics. I really want to get better since I am a songwriter with an unfair balance to the musical side. Practice makes perfect? Well no doubt! But to practice lyric writing I need topics. How do you poets and lyricists come up with ideas?
pick a topic and run with it for poem i break the things you want to say into lines and verses, then go through the thesaurus to make things rhyme lol. For lyrics i find at the start i write things down, then i sort of just sing it and add bits in as i go, making them up then writing them down. Sort of like when you like a song but cant remember the words so you add in your own lol. Kind Regards
Yeah but the problem with that is I'm indecisive. I cant settle with something. I listen to a lot of Pink Floyd. If you don't know, they have very deep lyrics. I don't want to compare with them but everything seems so childish.
Don't overthink. Lyrics are short, if you don't like 'em you can always write more. I'm not sure what else to advise. I write songs too, and it used to be the words that came easier than the music. Now it's much more equal. I get inspiration everywhere - other music, books, the world, people around me. What are you passionate about? Write what you feel or what moves you. Sometimes one phrase or sentence can spark something, for me. I remember one time a newsreader said so-and-so 'has had enough kicks in their face'. That was enough to make me write one of my first songs.
Alright, I'll try to keep my mind focused on lyrics. People say a lot "write about your life!" well nothing ever happens in my life. wake up. play music. thats about it.
i'm a lyricist, among many other writerly things, so if you want a mentor, drop me a line any time... love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com
You don't have to write about your life. Do you have any stories you wanna tell via song? Are there are issues (political, social etc) you'd like to vent/write about? Love songs? There are so many topics you could write about. What style of music do you play?
I do have a few political ideas. not a bit of love here. except for my family. And basically my life is not really that special. I've mostly done the same thing day after day. I am not an unhappy person, its just that like I've said I'm indecisive. I do not know how to help that.
Write words without any sense of whether they should rhyme. At least to start. Startin the first two lines as a couplet is a constricting way to tell a story. Tell a story first, then get it to flow. You'll find that you don't need everything to rhyme per se, just sound good together. Still, write a story even if the story is a 'vibe' that has no realy beginning, end or resolution. Don't try to be cool. Skip the subject that you think are cool. They are going to kill you in the end. Key is to get the ideas and words down and then finesse them in to something song-like.
When you first start writing lyrics, they will come off as either childish or pretentious. That's why you start writing them, and continue doing so, refining and improving. As for topics, you can write a song--just like a poem--about anything you so desire. The toaster in your kitchen can be a song. The only limit is your imagination.
Actually, indecision is not a bad topic to explore. I wrote a song called 'Sweet indecision' fairly recently.
love war friendship enemies the past, the future happiness depression money family loss victory defeat religion loads of topics then of course there are less serious ones like partying etc