Okay, out of interest, what is the maddest thing you have ever done? Mine is walking into a welsh restaurant and pretending to be french.
don't think i should post mine on a site where youngsters hang out... suffice it to say it had to do with a total stranger on a transatlantic flight... or maybe even madder was the one that involved a truck driver on a ferry from greece to italy... or the ersatz travel guide met upon disembarking in bari... or would it be the greek ship owner on patmos???........ then again, it could be giving away my house and all i owned, to make myself homeless and possessionless on purpose... or dashing off to london to be a human shield in iraq?... needless to say, i've lived a pretty 'madcap' life... and at 70 in 3 weeks, am still not doing anything anyone would consider 'normal'!
That's pretty awesome, Maia! Well, uh, I mean, that top part, I didn't, uh, well...you know. I think one of mine would be going up to the state governor in a tiger costume- complete with facepaint and ears and tail- when he was out with his family, and getting a picture with him. That's just the only thing I can think of right now, sadly. (I seem to remember he wasn't a horrible governor, just that he had a frustrating fixation on laws concerning casinos.)
I hang glided my brother's ashes over the Snake River after he died in a hang gliding accident. It was glorious! Made me understand his addiction to flying without the noise of engine or the fetters of naught but a pair of wings.
Well, when I was twenty, I dropped out of college, moved out of the fraternity, cut off all contact with my family, broke up with my girlfriend, and started over. I found a job and a place to live, and reinvented myself. I had virtually no money (under $100), no source of income, and not many friends either, other than some of the guys in the fraternity. It was tough going for a while, but I am happy with the life I built.
Hmmmm, I've done a lot of pranks and joked around with a lot of random people... I can't really say what was my top one. Eh, just to name a few perhaps when a guy threatened to hit me with his car after I had ding-dong ditched his house or that time I stabbed my friend on accident. (in the finger though, nothing serious! )
Mine is probably getting together with someone from the internet when I'd never even had a chat with him before because I needed a rock climbing partner, or else riding my bicycle over a freeway bridge every day for three months. LOL maddie. I'm afraid I'm a sore dissapointment to my parents.
If this counts/works: When I was like 3 I climbed a tree, couldn't get down, and cried. Other than that there's nothing: I've always been calm.
CDRW - Most of us have been a disappointment to our parents at one time or another. It's our job when we are young to attain that goal, at least for awhile. Although, I think I went above and beyond for my dad. Poor fellow.
Well, there's a few things that might fit this category... Like the time I was bored during a night-time showing of Reservoir Dogs in the Botanic Gardens. I decided to alleviate my boredom by jumping up and shouting "Oh my God! A snake!" Long story short, I was politely asked to leave, but the guy at the gate gave me a couple of free double passes to future screenings.
rofl i hired out a full body bear costume once dressed up in it and then, along with my trusty friend, went cruising in her car, down all the major highways, with me, sticking my head out the window and waving to all the passer by cars everyone was like, wtf?
I wonder if this counts towards all the useless men I've dated in the past? No, I'd say moving 500 miles away from home to live with a man I'd met only once at a photography convention would be top of line here. My Mom swore never to speak to me again, but she always say stuff like that. She can't shut up anymore than I can.
Oh, that's funny! How long did you stay? My friend and I dressed in our bunny outfits one year (we were doing Wind in the Willows at college) full make up and all. It was Easter and we drove from dormitory to dormitory and deliver eggs and candy to students who had been out drinking the night before (this was at 4:30 am). Well, on the way home we got pulled over by the loca P.d. because a little store had just been robbed by a couple of guys in masks. I had my little girl (4 yrs old) with me with her little bunny ears on, she smiled and gave him candy and he let us go.
saw a really good looking guy in the bar. told my friends that was the guy I would marry. Met him 3 weeks later and had a first date. moved in with him and got married 6 weeks later. no big wedding we eloped. strange fun and totally out of character.
Walked around the halls in high school wearing a big cardboard sign that read, "Hello, I am a nice piece of furniture moving into a nice house with some nice people in it. Please be very careful. Thank you. Very much." I found it in the art room. Was apparently some packaging from some nice furniture. I can't recall why I decided to wear it, but I did garner some weird looks. I guess art class did strange things to my head.
Jumped off a bridge 30 feet above the Clearwater River. What a rush! And then did over and over for the next few years. Local paper took pic of my sister and I because we were the only girls (way back then) that would do it.
I rafted the Lower Gauley River during the coldest October on record and even with a wetsuit on, I nearly froze to death. Guess the rush of class IV and V rapids was worth it, since I went back and did the Upper Gauley the next day.
WOW!! I've done the Snake River and the Salmon, dories, rafts, kayaks. I know what you mean. One raft trip in May, snow sleet hail. OW! Still did it again. My one and only experience with hypothermia. Coat? who needs a coat? Silly us...