When I graze on the web I come here, wordpress, or cuteoverload with my wife late at night. I'd so like a magazine to engage with. I raged last week about submissions to magazines. Does anybody read the magazines? I suggested nobody does in 2013, only 'writers' - seems like a vanity press. Which magazines do you read?
I read their sub guidelines, yesterday - 'all depictions of older peoples' experience must be postitively framed.' I'll buy a copy in the supermarket, and also have been trying to track down one of those writers' magazines. I hate them the most - in a good prejudice kind of way. Maybe something military? I bought one about murderers. You can research a murder, tap it up - you need pictures, originals or re-stage, that's one problem. That Bouvet author - Mike Dash, a ton of research blended with top-drawer literary skills. He's clever.
I have subscriptions to The New Yorker, Harper's, The Atlantic, The Paris Review, and the three big science fiction magazines. (Also Scientific American and Skeptic, but they aren't of any real literary interest.) Yeah, I'm a magazine junkie.
Have you tried Hobo Pancakes? Seriously. I mean the magazine... you can google it... (I do love this little guy.)
Thanks Minstrel, s'pose they're the ones I should be reading & engage with the literary juice...then I get hobo pancakes Something fresh tho'...I dunno, I don't really mix metropolitan, so much...something for the great unwashed, with teeth.
I have subscriptions to Guns & Ammo Magazine and to GUNS Magazine and i enjoy reading both of them very much.
Who can resist : Lobster, Steamshovel Press, Paranoia Magazine, Skeptical Inquirer or Animals and Men? I'm away to scrape up the subscription money now.
Hello MG, yeah I like guns enough, good to hear you enjoy the mags. Don't tell, but I've googled 'best Uzi' a few times now. Jannert...you're talking submissions - and that's fun, I'll play...but as for actually reading them? I'll shut-up and go look.
I get Skeptical Inquirer whenever it occurs to me that my subscription has lapsed. For some reason, they don't remind me enough when it runs out, and I gradually become aware that it's been months since I've seen an issue! I still get Skeptic, though, and it's generally more thorough, even if it is only a quarterly.
Yeah, I thought you meant oddball or left-field. I don't want to be nasty about any of them, they're all cottage - and somebody's dream project. 'Lobster' - imagine every political story that is of interest to nobody in a single location - good idea, ach. That's what tripped me up. 'Man and Animal' led me to to the world of cryptozoology. For an hour I believed I had discovered the greatest absurd comics 'on the trail of Mongolian Death worm'/ the Weird Weekends....eventually having the realisation they were completely earnest. Stll unsettled, hmmm. Humour's a tough market. Some of the Hobo Pancake stuff was not so strong but all dependent on the quality of the submissions, eh? I'll keep searching for my 'Joy of Fool.' Comedy has a whole parallel world of 'comics' - like 'writers' the range is enormous. Plenty live on the UK comedy forum with a crit page...which is...well, the same as anywhere.