In a Vampire world, where they are basically hidden and/or rare, would you think magic would exist? And if so, y?
There's no textbook definition for what a vampire is, but they are generally treated as supernatural creatures lacking a complete scientific explanation. The magic is there, even if you don't acknowledge it. Unless your vampires strictly obey the laws of physics and biology, their very existence is magical. For example, there is no scientific explanation for why a vampire bursts into flames when in contact with sunlight. There is no way to explain an aversion to crucifixes or an inability to see one's reflection in the mirror. There is no way a fully-functioning human body could survive indefinitely (immortality). There is no way to achieve superhuman strength or speed wthout actually being superhuman. These are all magical feats. Unless you dumb them down to fit the science, vampires are magic. To answer your question, yes, magic would (most likely) exist.
I agree with the above post - magic is pretty much already a part of the equation. However, how much magic (in addition to the above stated) is a matter of what the story is, where it goes, and whether or not magic will make it a better story. Magic is like chocolate cake - just the right amount makes life inextricably awesome! you gotta have magic, just not too much to ruin the experience.
Oh, by the way, I love your avatar! It was mesmerizing. I kept watching it over and over again, laughing my butt off! Where'd you find that?
Glad you like it lol Its how I feel sometimes when i'm writing an i'm stuck! lol I got it at this website
I think that, with the variety of vampire stories I've seen lately, you can do pretty much anything you want, magic-wise and anything you want vampire-wise. Look at Twilight...instead of bursting into flames in sunlight, he glitters. *shrug* Love that avatar, too. I have a larger, longer version of that animation...has always been one of my favorites. Tried to make it my messenger pic once, but couldn't figure out how to do it.
As has already been said, the existence of magic would most likely be taken as a given in a world of vampires - with a story about vampires the reader generally opens the cover already suspending belief on some level. Other forms of magic doesn't necessarily have to have an overt presence though, or presented in a fantastical context (i.e. wands, glittery effects, incantations etc), but rather presented as a natural presence/occurrence in the world your characters inhabit.
If you want magic in a story, and you can find a good reason for it and make it work, do it. Doesn't matter what kind of story it is.
I personally think that the decision is entirely up to you… whether to incorporate magic into your story. I don't have/know the 100% answer but I would have to say no, because Vampires/orgs/zombies/Frankenstein are examples of monsters who do not use any magic (Perhaps you could ‘pretend’ that vampires can cast spells, for your story). However, Wizards and sorcerers can perform magic.