As I suspect is a theme on here, I am a bit self contious. I not as familiar with how normal media usually shows magic, not sure if that helps or hurts me in the long run. So when I had an idea that I thought was really interesting and good, my friend who loves D&D shooting me down quite harshly kind of gave me doubts. So I figred more opinions! Basic idea, is the woman is as my friend called it, a Druid, because she is a magic user with a connection to plant life. Exactly what happens with her is plants feed on he soul, increasing there own ability, in addition to that they becme bonded to her and will move to her will. The effect is temporary, as once they ruin out of the piece of her soul the bond ends. The idea I had for her, was to bond with a dandylion(wishblower) and afterwords she blows the seeds. By being bonded to them still, she can sense there location and gain sensory informatin from them. The idea is she used this as a way of detecting a enemy. Because all magical creatures unleash a magical pulse of sorts. Normaly tracking is very hot/cold. But since he seeds could sense the pulse from multiple angles it would be much more effective. The concept isn't that differentthan how we track earthquakes. I thouht it was unique an interesting. But I am no expert. So, what do you guys think? Stupid idea I should discard, or ignore my friend a bit more often? Sorry if there is a better place to have this. If it helps the character has a name. Melissa!
Is that just one example of her power, or does she have more abilities with different plants and fauna? That power sounds useful, say in tracking down an enemy in a warehouse or other large space. I don't know how useful it would be in a fight against another magic user though.
Yes this is just one example of how Melissa magic works. Thinking of the magical model was stressful at first because I thought I was going to have to write a spell book. I much pefer this apporach though, whichis giving a character a talent and watch as they learn what they can do with it. In Melissa case she can bond with anything that is classified as a plant. Bonding gives her any awarenss it might have, increases its innate abilities(posionous plant would be more potent) and allows her to move a plant position. Yeah, this ability wouldn't be directly useful against in a fight, but it is indirectly helpful. I suppose I forgot to mention my friends arguement. My friend argued that it is a bad idea as it isn't symbolic and magic has to be symbolic to make sense. As he said seeds shouldn't be capibe of seeking, but induce growth or something. Wasn't sure if my friend was being useful or too harsh. So what do you think?
Seeds mean life and as Jeff Goldblum said in Jurassic Park "Life finds a way." Seeds seek the dandelion blooms have evolved to find new areas on the wind. Look at a coconut they float on the ocean traveling miles before they wash up on an island. As for magic being symbolic, its your universe that you're creating so magic can be anything you want it to be.
lol That was funny. Yeah, I suppose that is right, my universe, but I try not to hide behind that. I don't want to turn down good advice. Know what I mean? So what do you think of Melissa's power? I did forget to mention it has a high cost on her. Also innate ability covers a lot of things. Like her staff(prefered weapon) is more resistant and cannot be cut with the force of a non magical sword.
Rubbish! Why does it have to be symbolic? What is the magic in D&D symbolic of? Has your friend come across the term symbolic logic, and is conflating the two words (they do mean very different things!), so that he/she says symbolic and means logic? Magic (as with any other element in a story) should have a logic behind it, otherwise you risk the reader saying "Oh, that wouldn't happen in real life". As far as I can see, your magic has a logic behind it, in that your MC has to "pay" to use her power. It's the same as an athlete running a really hard, and you've got nothing left until your body's had a chance to recover. I'm in a similar position - of working out the "rate of exchange" for magic usage - in my WIP. You mention that your friend is a D&D player...I suspect that he/she is a little too tied in to the D&D rule-book, and anything different is cheating. But that's like a Star Trek fan reading Asimov for the first time, and saying that Asimov's method for interplanetary travel doesn't make sense (when, if you've read your Stephen Hawking, you'll know that Asimov's method is eerily predictive of where physics would get to) simply because it's not what he already knows.
I think your right, I think my friend is too tied D&D. Like my friend also said that if she is a druid she should feel ill when away from a forest. He thought it was stupid that I mention the reverse is true. Because she can't control bonding. She will bond with any plant she touches, against her will. So in a forest she tends to get tired. So, do you like the ideas I have mentioned here Shadow? Thank you for the feedback
Ideas, schmideas! It's what you DO with them that matters. My WIP is a story that's already been told (but so was Romeo and Juliet when Shakespeare wrote his take on it) so any merit in it will be because I'll have put my style on it. As I've said, your magic system has a logic, so that's good, it will work. Now write the story. The magic system is there to help the story along, not stand up and shout "look at me!".
Yeah, I suppose I already knew that. As I once told a friend. "We writers are like painters, we don't invent new colors, we simply put them in a different configuration." Me asking stuff like that is generally two things. 1. Self confidence 2. While, yes I know what I do with it is important, but I happen to think there is a objectively good or bad start. I think you agree as you mentioned it is logical which is good. Meaning illogical would be bad right? But more self confidence issues. Heck, I could be published and on a TV show praising me and I bet I still gonna be thinking. "But, what if they don't like the end?" If you know what I mean? lol. Thanks again for the feedback
Your friend's wrong. It's magic. This is fantasy. Your friend has very limited views of magic. Magic doesn't exist. Therefore there's nothing that it has to be in order to make sense. Whether it makes sense depends on whether you make it make sense. The most important thing here is that you believe in your own magic model and don't undermine it in your own self-doubt Also, symbolism is what you make of it often - it's about metaphors and analogies. Include symbolism if you want but if you don't, then don't worry about it. And whoever said plants can only symbolise growth isn't being very creative. Your friend is a gamer and a consumer of stories. They're not a writer. Trust your own gut - it's often right. And if you're inspired by the idea, to hell with what anyone else says. Write on! And enjoy it
Ooh I like the idea of her bonding with plants even against her will. Very interesting and a lovely limitation for her to have!
Thank you. To be exact I say for her to bond her soul energy has to touch a plant. Soul energy is always leaking off of a body, so touching a plant would always achieve bonding. Technically she could bond with a plant without toucing it, but she would have to focus her energy and shot it outward. This is a concept it takes her a while to realize and learn. Plus it hasa drawback, shooting energy off like this consumes more energy. So basically further she shoots the more energy she loses. My friend also thinks my conditions are to taxing. I try hard to counter balance core concepts and pevent them from becoming to over powered.
I think your ideas on magic are more solid than most and you should go for it. I have created few systems on which I think magic should work in my story universes, but I am completely fine with someone just saying "Its magic!" and walking away from it. It sounds like magic is a big part of the story so you will need some explanations and limitations, but from what I read you're on the right track. Being new to playing DnD, although having studied it some for a while I am pretty sure the lore and continuity surrounding it is arbitrary at best so don't take too much stock in your friend.
I personally think you should stop sharing this with your friend. He's not being helpful. As for the conditions for your magic system to work - I'd say make it realistic, and if it's a bit taxing that doesn't have to be a bad thing necessarily. What you should focus on might be how this magic system serves the story - is it too complicated to the point of making the writing of the story, the story's progression, difficult? If not, then you're fine. It's ok to be complicated as long as you can find ways to convey it to the reader in an easy-to-understand manner. Brandon Sanderson, in his book The Rithmatist, actually began every chapter with 1 diagram of his magic system, and each chapter builds on previous knowledge of how his magic system worked. He's actually a bit of a master when it comes to building magical systems and has written tonnes and tonnes of tips on how to build one and write one. Check out his website and his youtube writing sessions, maybe they would be helpful
Thank you, I will remember that. Funny enough my friend can tend to be useful but I have to watch out for when he gets to negative. lol Since I got such a warm welcome I am going to post my full magical model and see if people like it . This has nothing to do with the act just finished writing the draft of it(obviously lying.) lol