Male Elf Names... HELP

Discussion in 'Character Development' started by SilverWolf0101, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. ChickenFreak

    ChickenFreak Contributor Contributor

    Mar 9, 2010
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    More rambling on the suggestion that it's about what the father was thinking when he named the child:

    - If the father badly misses the mother, perhaps he'd even use a werewolf name, either based on the mother's name or on an important male relative of the mother. Or use a name that in some way makes him think of the mother.

    - If the father rejects the werewolf side, he might use an extremely typical, conventional, conservative elven name, to emphasize that _this kid is an elf_.

    - Or, for the same reason, he might use a name that reflects what the father thinks of as the main aspects that make elves superior to werewolves. If elves are peaceful and werewolves are violent, for example, he might use a name that clearly communicates peace.

    - If the father feels that the werewolf side threatens his link with the child, he might name the child after himself.

    - If the father doesn't want a link with the chlid, he might choose a name that distances himself from him. Maybe a name typical of a region other than the one that the father comes from, or example, or a name that the father actually dislikes.
  2. black-radish

    black-radish New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
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    This is pretty brilliant! :O

    And the whole plot evolves around the relation of the main character and her sister, which means limiting to 1 child would be, well, not that ideal.

    Also, I'm kind of tackling the whole image of how elves are so mighty and superior and noble and intelligent etc. My idea's come partly from the Nors mythology, but I'm very influenced by Rowling, which makes it light and funny at times, and I try to make my characters as real as possible..

    For example, legolas would never walk into a closed door, or stutter if shy, and my MC might just.

    But well, back on topic:

    My elven names come from a lot of different places, some simply from a country ( Malin from Sweden ), others just formed by putting syllables together in random orders and see what it results in. ( Try to put something after "al" - Alora, Alwyn, Almeith, Alminos )

    and sometimes I simply devide names from excisting words,
    for example, the race that most resemble humans are called Menor (from Men)
    Or names such as Hanour ( Honour )

    Or google 'mythological names' and you'll get a list of cool names.. ( Nehalennia, Celestine, Draven, Falkor, Tanith )
  3. ToxicWaste

    ToxicWaste New Member

    Apr 2, 2010
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    As a previous commenter stated, elves are a norse myth. So maybe you could give your elf a name that references wolves in norse mythology, such as Fenris the mythical norse wolf god.
  4. jonathan hernandez13

    jonathan hernandez13 Contributor Contributor

    May 12, 2009
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    Mount Vernon New York

    Your offer pleases wolfie...
  5. black-radish

    black-radish New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
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    I always like 'fenris' and 'fenrir' names for wolves/wherewolf characters :D
  6. Rechar

    Rechar New Member

    Apr 3, 2010
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    Try not to forget of course that there is a difference between humans naming wolves (Mythology), and wolves naming wolves (actual fantasy).

    You have to consider what their society is like (as i mentioned with Elves), physiological features which might point to a certain use of sound for names. Wolves bark, howl and will that affect how they name each other? For myself their names reflect that being gutteral, harsh sounds.

    Fenrir may be good if their parent was a human...but for me its too soft and flowing a name to be accurate for a Werewolf type creature (and sounds more like a prancy elf name).

    My Username was actually my first characters name (a lycanthrope), two syllables (wretch-Ar) giving a slight grating sound with the ch and a hard Ar which can taper off into a growl if need be (societal influence of the name...when speaking in a confrontational situation to exhibit strength).

    If you're going to create a race, put your all into it! (Mythology is cool though, don't kill me Jonathan *hides*)
  7. B-Gas

    B-Gas New Member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    Elves are from all sorts of mythologies. If they're human-sized, though, they're from Tolkein mythology. Unless they're Celtic.

    Celtic names are pretty good. Bran, Briac, Bryce, Fionn, Keith, Lann... The list goes on. Google "cletic names" for the source.
  8. KP Williams

    KP Williams Active Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    My place
    I think I'd do my best raised eyebrow if I came across an elf name Bryce or Keith. Because I know people in the real world with those names, and therefore, they don't seem even slightly elven to me. I don't think an elf should have a name commonly used in the modern world, unless there's some reason for it. They're not humans, so why give them such thoroughly human names?
  9. B-Gas

    B-Gas New Member

    Dec 1, 2007
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    Well, names come from all over the place. If the elf naming system is like our modern naming system, it depends heavily on the elven culture, their origins, their belief structures, their religion, their history, their mythology, their stories, their interaction with humans and (presumably) dwarves and goblins, their histories, their past heroes, their political structure, their class system, their creations and their language. (Sorry that "their" no longer looks like a word.)

    So I picked some vaguely-elvish human names. Emphasis on vague.

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