Market Minds: Paper or Plastic?

Discussion in 'Role Play' started by Kingtype, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. JessWrite

    JessWrite Word Nerd & Proud! Contributor

    Aug 13, 2011
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    My Old Kentucky Home
    Lydia took a final sip of her water bottle as she stared at the empty pet cages in thought. Charlie...Garrison...Gary...whoever the heck that guy was, he'd said he would order new animals, but she wouldn't be surprised if he had already forgotten. Even if he did give her new animals, she didn't fully trust that they wouldn't end up being mutant...things.

    As the pet department girl, she'd have to figure this out on her own apparently, but what could she do? It's not like she could go out and get a bunch of animals to sell...


    Lydia turned to look at the parakeet that was still glaring at her and a sly smile came to her rosy lips.

    "You want some new friends, little guy?" she said to the bird who gave a raspy chirp in reply.

    "Ok, but we'll have to be patient." She'd need a little help...maybe a lot of help. And although she hated to do it, she knew exactly who to ask first. Lydia threw the empty bottle on the floor beside the overflowing trashcan and then started down the aisles keeping her eyes open for a hopefully-not-angry Russian.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
  2. AnonyMouse

    AnonyMouse Contributor Contributor

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Atlanta, GA
    "If I ever see that janitor again..." Ivan muttured under her breath as she mopped up vomit on the dairy aisle. What was it about this store that made everyone wanna barf? And why the hell didn't the employees think 'gee, I ought to clean that up' instead of letting it sit on the floor and congeal like ten-year old Jell-O?

    God, I need a drink, she thought when the task was done and the place still smelled like fermented ass cheeks. Ivan had already depleted her vodka flask after that infuriating encounter with Garrison. Vodka usually mellowed her out and was probably the only reason she hadn't ripped his balls off and shoved them down his throat. Tequila, on the other hand, was her 'murder everything that moves, then fuck like a rabbit on Viagara' drink. Just thought you should know.

    Ivan angrily shoved the mop and bucket into the janitor's closet and angrily slammed the door shut before angrily turning to greet Lydia, who seemed to be strolling aimlessly around the store. Did I mention she did all of this very angrily?

    "Oooooh, you must be walking one of our new invisible dogs," the Russian said with a bright smile and a cheerful little clap of her hands. "What's his name? Or is it a girl? May I pet him?" The smile suddenly vanished. "Oh, wait, we don't have any invisible dogs... SO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!? PET DEPARTMENT IS THAT WAY!!!" she screamed, getting all up in Lydia's face.
  3. Kaitou Wolf

    Kaitou Wolf Active Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Bale nodded at Naut and smiled at Adalia. "Its nice to meet you both. I'm certain you'll both do fine. The, erm, manager is a bit lax so..." He shrugged. "What positions are you two filling? And if I may ask, are you together or siblings?"

    "So yes....." He patted Adalia on the head. "Which of you two brother and sister pair are the best at cleaning? I bet its you."

    He said speaking to Adalia. "You look like you have a washer woman's hands, not a dirt spot on them." Garrison grinned at Bale.

    "No, we're not related," Adalia said. "And not together. I just met him today! And I am good at organizing, having been a teacher's assistant!" She didn't seem to register any insult implied, though Naut didn't know if that were on purpose or if she were that dense....
    "I'm okay at cleaning," Naut wrote.
  4. BrandonrockstheAM

    BrandonrockstheAM Active Member

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Justin lay his hands on the store's doorway, stepping through, slouching slightly. He adjusts his glasses, looking at the store. This job would suck. He could be home finishing the raid, but no... apparently he had to work. He could see the reasoning behind it... didn't mean he would ever want to do it. He adjusts the hem of his slightly large company shirt, which already had an unfamiliar stain on it. Christened, as you will.

    He walks over to the Toy Department, narrowly avoiding contact with anyone. If they didn't give him attention, he wouldn't have to talk. Hopefully the manager would notice him. He stands up on a set of toy boxes, which crumble beneath his feet, sending him onto the ground. He narrowly saves his glasses from imminent doom, then looks around to see a few customers looking at him in concern. He scowls, then quickly plasters a smile, a lie, onto his face. Goddamn that smarted.

    "Are you okay, sir?" A woman walks up to him, and he quickly rights his posture and brushes a lock of hair to the side. The overweight woman had a couple stretch marks showing.

    "Yes, ma'am. I am perfectly fine. Would you be interested in any fun toys? You look like you're a mother who could use some help with her kids. May I suggest the..." He quickly looks behind him, and runs to a random box, picking it up. "This fine toy? I personally guarantee it will give you time to yourself, as your son spends hours with this simply, yet brilliant contraption. The..." he turns it around to look at the name. "...Disco Bunny!"

    "...Well, I do want some time to myself..."

    "Exactly! What better investment is there to make for your own personal health?" He smiles, and his mind whirls with insults to call the fat lady. Maybe a better investment would be getting up off your ass for a couple minutes. Or to stop eating cake 3 meals a day. Or to break up with your boyfriend or husband, who surely is releasing his sexual needs elsewhere because he probably finds having sex with a giant fish-smelling balloon unappealing. He spots no ring. Alright, boyfriend.

    "That sounds great! Thank you so much for recommending it!" The woman smiles at him. He gives her the box, and he quickly thinks of how to make some more money off of this woman... she's having relationship troubles with a boyfriend who probably fathered the baby.

    "Excuse me, I just noticed that you didn't have a ring. Are you by chance single? Have a special person in your life?"

    "I don't think that's any of your business."

    "It's my business to make your life better, ma'am. I hope you noticed that we have specialty gift cards and a wide selection of men's cologne. Perfect for making any man appreciate you more. It will rekindle any flame, and he'll be more appealing to you as well. Maybe it could even set a struggling relationship right. Now, I'm not sure what kind of man your boyfriend is, but..." He lightly touches the mother's ring finger, making him gag on the inside. It was so... saggy. "Maybe he would finally... return the love. Maybe even get you something to put on this finger right here."

    The woman looks at the finger. "...Yeah. That would be nice."

    He leads her over to the section, and sees a variety of foreign men's products. He had never touched any cologne in his life. Why spend allowance on that when you could spend it on mods? ...Time to BS.

    "Now, we have a wide selection of excellent colognes for your man." He motions to the heaped-together pile of about 3 brands. "Personally, I would recommend the..." He reaches to the side randomly and picks out one. "African Dance. It gives a sense of contentment, yet subtle, wild excitement at the same time. Here, smell it." He sprays it in the air, and she takes a whiff, then nods, smiling. Thank you, power of suggestion. He puts it in her hand, then takes the toy box from her. "I'll carry this. As our computer isn't functioning right now, I can do the exchange for you by hand. It'll be $64.32 for both, please."

    The woman takes a second to fish around in her purse. To whale around in her purse. She hands him the money, which he counts, then pockets the amount for the cologne. She smiles at him, then grabs his hands and places them in her own.

    "You've been such a good employee. Thank you for helping me out... maybe there's something I can do in return..."

    Oh no. No. No. "LET GO OF ME, YOU FAT SLUT!" Within a second, he was across the store, and shivering in the corner, by himself.

    ...The bag of flesh on his fingers. The seductive eyes. He pictured her without decency, and his mind viciously rejected the mere possibility. He stayed in the corner, unmoving, completely unaware and uncaring of the wailing of the customer as she ran out of the store.
  5. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    Roy walked by as a rather nerdy newbie lost his shit with a rather fat old hag. He burst out laughing, clutching his stomach. "Classic!" When the fat cow glared in his direction, he wiped away a tear. "Oh don't give me that look, go home and crush your... well, whatever inanimate object you pretend to be your husband or boyfriend." This only served to cause her to turn into more of a blubbering mess. "How annoying." He turned around and went back into the home electronics section and went back behind his counter.
  6. BrandonrockstheAM

    BrandonrockstheAM Active Member

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Justin got up, brushing the criminal fragments of woman off of him, and breathed out heavily... At least he had made some money off of her. He caught a guy with long blonde hair across the space eyeing him. Hastily Justin scampers back to his position at the toy store, then breathes back out.
    This is boring. Justin realizes he'd left his phone back at home. Shit.
    He supposed that maybe building relationships with some of the people around him might not be a bad idea.
    Should he?

    Justin gets up against the antisocial laziness keeping him stuck to the chair, and walks his way over nervously to the electronics section, then peeks in, waving his hand. The blonde hair was the only notable thing about him, other than an air of arrogance.

    "Uh... I was wondering... if you... we could talk... since... you know... we'll be working together... Uh... my name's Justin."
  7. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    "I see, well it's... meh, to meet you Kirstin." He seemed more interested in checking the flower pot sitting on the counter, containing silver roses. He straightened up and smirked at him, recognizing him as the guy who lost his shit with the fatty. "What's wrong, Kirstin? Can't deal with fat women? Only the babes with the huge tits and tiny waists on the computer or TV, amidst the piles of porn and wadded up tissues?" He grinned and shrugged. "You should start looking at those fatties, they're the only ones who're gonna want your ass, and that's only a liiiiittle tiiiiny bit, even they have standards, unless they're grossly obese and living in a tiny trailer, then they'll gladly crush you under them." He grinned pleasantly.
  8. BrandonrockstheAM

    BrandonrockstheAM Active Member

    Dec 1, 2012
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    "I see, well it's... meh, to meet you Kirstin." He seemed more interested in checking the flower pot sitting on the counter, containing silver roses. He straightened up and smirked at him, recognizing him as the guy who lost his shit with the fatty. "What's wrong, Kirstin? Can't deal with fat women? Only the babes with the huge tits and tiny waists on the computer or TV, amidst the piles of porn and wadded up tissues?" He grinned and shrugged. "You should start looking at those fatties, they're the only ones who're gonna want your ass, and that's only a liiiiittle tiiiiny bit, even they have standards, unless they're grossly obese and living in a tiny trailer, then they'll gladly crush you under them." He grinned pleasantly.

    Justin face blanked, and cheeks burned. He'd capitalized on that... event earlier. He wanted to give a comeback, but... he'd been told numerous times that it wasn't worth insulting the bullies. Just his luck he was working with one. But... just this once... maybe. He quickly glanced over the man, looking for something insult-worthy... He found something. Previously at school, they had only hit him for his efforts at an insult. Here, he hoped to avoid any physical altercation. He just... needed to assert himself. If he didn't, then working here was going to be miserable.

    "...Do you know what I love most about my life? It's that I'm set." Justin smirked. "I have skills that'll last me my entire life. I can program and build my own freaking computers, as well as any good game you could imagine. My mother is a teacher, and in a high-enough place that I'm guaranteed a spot at any university I want. You know what I'll get from that? A job that pays quadruple minimum wage. I'll design the game that you'll spend your Sunday nights playing while drinking out your sorrows. I'll go to get my haircut done at a boutique while you let your hair grow out, telling people that's how you like it, when you'll really just be too poor to afford a decent haircut. While you'll be serving time for a DUI, I'll be paying pennies on the dime for my girlfriend's IUD. The only chicks you'll be able to score are the ones hollow enough to not see past your facade of confidence. And the name is Justin, by the way. We're going to be working together, so I hope we end up being nice to each other. I hope you're above the level of the bullies at my school."
  9. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    He had gone back to adjusting the roses, he looked back up at him with a bored expression. "Hm...? Oh, that's nice Kirstin. I'm sure your mother would love a vibrating marital aid. Though, kind of weird you'd wanna get her one. I don't want to examine that relationship too deeply." His usual impish grin appeared on his face. "Go run along now, worm."
  10. BrandonrockstheAM

    BrandonrockstheAM Active Member

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Justin's eyebrow twitched. He had ignored him... What was a guy supposed to do around here? Justin walked back over to the toy department, and sat miserably on his chair. Maybe there would be other employees that were nicer. Otherwise this job would be hell. What use was bragging about your skills if nobody listened? Well, at least Justin knew. That is at least slightly comforting to know that he wouldn't have to work here any longer than necessary.

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