I figure the best way to start a post like this is to just get on with it. That's the approach I take with my stories, most of the time. It's often best to dive right in. I graduated from a small liberal arts college in June with a BA in creative writing; minors in business and philosophy. Before my graduation it occurred to me that the most valuable part of my education wasn't the classes--it was the community of writers in constant parlance that made my time at college so rewarding. I followed this realization with a search for another community of writers, one that could replace the community I was about to lose. I created an account with this site because I appreciated the range of thought I observed in most posts. This is my first post since creating that account. I've lost the community I found at college (keeping up on Facebook just isn't the same) and now I'm here, hoping to forge connections and learn from those who share the same interests and passions as myself. I'm glad to be here and I'm glad to meet you. Any advice on where to start appreciated.
Welcome to the Forum! Your degree sounds like a very interesting mix. I have a business diploma myself, but never got a chance to take any philosophy in my later university years. I bet it comes in handy for creative writing. As for a starting point... I'm still trying to find one myself! I do wish you all the best; there are many fabulous writers here with interesting experiences to share.
Hi and welcome to the community. Just dive in, nothing special needed. (Oh, except someone will remind you to review the rules, but they say that to everyone.)
Did someone cue the Mod Welcome? Why, yes! It was @GingerCoffee So, yes, I would me remiss were I to fail in giving the welcome packet, a.k.a. the Forum Rules. Standard stuff, really. Play nice, and don't post homework or we'll tie you to a pole and set a nice birch and aspen fire to tickle your toes while we sing something Clannad-eque. Just kidding. Pay special attention to the requirements for posting in the Writing Workshop. Wrey
Thanks for the reply, Rory! Philosophy certainly does come in handy when I write. More than anything it's taught me to think critically about my characters and their motivations. My minor was concentrated in ethics and human consciousness so I typically end up dealing with those concepts in some way. XD I'll be sure to review them posthaste, and thank you! Loving the Clannad reference; I think I'm gonna like it here! I'll review the rules ASAP. Thanks so much for the warm and humorous welcome. I'm certain I will, too. Thanks so much for the welcome!
You've officially been promoted to one of my top 5 favorite members. Ethics was probably my favorite philosophy topic back in school. In my upper-level ethics class, I wrote this really long paper on the ethical theories of Kant, Fichte, Schopenhauer, et al. Those were good times.
Top 5?? Huzzah! I took this multi-semester kraken of a class on Kant, Fichte, and other ethics-thinkers during my third year; near 'bout drove me to drink! Alas, prepare to demote me. In every philosophy class I've ever taken I've made sure to write at least one paper about Bladerunner-slash-Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. My professors liked that I wasn't writing about the typical subjects, but good lord did they get tired of my shenanigans when I tried to apply Douglas Hofstadter's theories of consciousness to characters in Pixar movies. XD