Here's hoping you all have a wonderful weekend! I'm sure lots of you are going to be out doing the "family" thing or just plain enjoying the holidays. Best wishes to all of you
I'll just be working my ass off. I can't wait to get out of retail. Not only does it make me loathe the holidays, I don't even make enough money to get decent gifts for my friends and family.
I get off for Christmas Tomorrow....I cant spell... I get the 22-freaking-nd, three days beforethe frackin' holiday... Any how, you too...
In that case, my wish for you is that you would win the lotto and be able to buy anything you want for anyone you want LOL I so feel your pain. I have two kids and I want to buy so much more than I did, but *sigh* funds are limited! It does tend to make the holidays a bit more depressing.
Merry Christmas to you all. Mine I'm afraid will be a very chostic xmas. Just moved house 12 hours ago the only thing I've got working is the net. Yaye small miricles. Other than that I've got a bust loo badly plumbed kitchen pipes crappy tv ariel (On top of xmas) the expense is madness. I can't wait for the new year. ~Raven.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!! HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A REALLY GOOD ONE Well hope ya all have a good one, Raven I'm sure things will get better soon. Ok well that was the extent of my christmas spirit anyways. LOL AND ALMOST FORGOT HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLES.
Tis the season to be Jolly so find a pint bottle of lager can wine vodka whiskey what ever you have at hand hold it up in the air and say Merry Christmas. Get sloshed. have lots of Turky Duck (Hmmm Duck hmmmm) Goose Pheasant. Have a good Christmas All
Merry Christmas Ya-All Happy holidays and all that fo-shizzle. Peach out desert ! Love and stuff from Eoz.