So I have noticed the terms Micro-Fiction and Flash-Fiction pop up a few times. I was curious as to what the differences are. They both just seem to be short fictional pieces, however I am not well versed in these things.
Flash - Micro - Nano, size of piece from biggest to smallest I think - find Blackstar and ask him, he's our resident fiction flasher...
I don't think there's set definitions - people just call tiny stories different things. I've certainly had people refer to the 100-worders I write as both micro and flash. Not nano, though - maybe that's reserved for the 6-word stories people do when they're playing Hemingway.
From smallest to largest Nanofiction,Micro Fiction,Flash Fiction, Short story,novel. The terms are given to pieces that contain a complete story,but have a certain wordcount. Nanofiction is 55 words or less. Micro fiction- 300 words or less Flash fiction-500 words or less Short story-at least 1000 words. Be aware that the word limits for each form are arbitrary, but those word counts give you an idea of where a literary piece might fall under.
Lol well for the record, metric system standard is as follows: Nano = 10^-9 Micro = 10^-6 Flash we'll equate to Mili = 10^-3 And short story is then 10^0
So, given that an average short story is about 5,000 words, then: Flash fiction (millifiction): 5 words Microfiction: 0.005 words Nanofiction: 0.000005 words Clearly, even on high-res monitors, nanofiction would take only a fraction of a pixel. Beat that for economy, Blackstar!
I seem to remember that IBM once spelled "IBM" in individual atoms, and took a photograph of it with an electron microscope.
LMAO. I need you as my economic adviser. @squishy I still need that conversion rate for all the U.S. writers.