So there is this energy drink I have decided to distribute in a pyramid type scheme. I know there is a lot of negative energy towards the pyramid, but I really believe in this drink, and think it is going to be big here. This is the only way I can get in on it, and I really want to be apart of it. The only reason I am so reserved is because tehre are so many people out there saying pyramid schemes are evil. What do you guys think?
All Pyramid Schemes look good and sound positive. Thats how they get you hooked. My advice. Stay away from them.
first off: crazy Ivan did you just talk down to me? Plus I know the people very well involved and I am the one who asked them about it, so it isn't like I was pushed into this. Now what I information I was wanting was: what turns you away from pyramid schemes.
Crazy Ivan is a rude son of a *****. but wordwizard i seriously would stay well away from them. However. if you've made up your mind. Then what i would suggest is get as much information as you can have a good read through small print as well. Then think it over try to look it up on the net see if there are more pros, than cons and then you will pretty much have an idea.
Glad to see I'm appreciated! It's so nice to live in an environment where no one flames you for no reason whatsoever! But yeah, NH is right: Read the fine print, and check with outside sources. Maybe if you gave us the name of the company, we could do research too, and get back to you on whether it looks safe or not. I highly doubt it, because if it didn't look safe, then it wouldn't be a very good pyramid scheme, now, would it?
Pyramid schemes are scary because you can really lose so much money. Crazy Ivan he was proberly joke why take it personally.
well it isn't a pyramid scheme because pyramid schemes are illegal. But it is like one. The name of the drink is called Mona vie. I know it is well known in the states but it very new to canada. I have not made up my mind on selling it yet, but I am defiently drinking it. I have no put any money into the buisness, so if I did decide to do the buisness aspect of it, then I would not be losing a lot of money if it didnt work out. There are ways to make the buisness aspect go faster but I am thinking if I did get into it then I would take teh stressfree-money free way.Feel free to research it as I am doing. Any thoughts on it are welcome. I have a date to learn about it more tomorrow, but as many say ,they only tell you the good things about it.
Well if you have any experience in gambling then one of the philosophies to it is that you should never be willing to gamble more than you can afford to lose.
Well wordwizard it sounds like you really want to do this. All I suggest is what others have suggested. Be careful! Set yourself a limit to begin with as to how much you are willing to put into so that you don't lose too much and if it works it works and keep going. If it doesn't it doesn't and you don't lose everythign you own. ~Tor
Whatever its called be warned they will make you lose money. Trouble is when someone has made up their mind it usually ends up in them losing money
So I looked up the words "Mona Vie- Pyramid Scheme" on and found this: Apparently energy drinks are bad for you - Harmony Central Musician Community Forums Seventh post down, by "stansilverman" I'm looking for more stuff. By èÞstêìñ_16 on - Message Boards
well of course there are going to be negative reviews, I am not oblivious to that. I am a drinker of the juice, so I know how it effects me and I know it makes me feel great. The drink clearly wont be for everybody. PLus ivan if you look up mona vie pyramid scheme, then you most likely are going to find a majority of negative reviews. I have researched into a lot of the bad reviews I have come across, and some people say they get weak from two days on the drink. Give me a break. Clearly not going to be the drink thats doing that. In fact the drink has been known to help people sleep better. It is not sold as an energy drink but as a health drink. I think I might take a step into this buisness, but as max said before only gamble with as much as your willing to loose. So far I havent put out any money(only for my own drink) so I have nothing to loose. P.s. max I am a girl Thanks for helping me out with some of the research Ivan, it really is appreciated.
(psst-Ivan just so you know the link you have is for energy drinks and they are full of caffeine and sugar and mona vie is all natural.) There is only one thing about mona vie and the rest seem to be confused on what he is talking about)
Because the only people that make any money from them are the ones who start them. Link 01 Link 02 Link 03
the reason why pyramids are so bad is because they are 99% of the time scams and people lose out on a lot of money. I will see if I can find you a link to help you out with understanding about pyramid schemes. Well here are a few, not sure if they will help or not though. "PYRAMID SCHEMES" The Bottom Line About Multilevel Marketing Plans Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia They give you some information on the legal side of pyramid schemes I think. Well hope it helps you a little. ~Tor
thanks so much for all the research guys. I see how many people think they are so bad. This is not apyramid scheme, but is all at the same time. They do it differently I think because pyramids are illegal but overall I think it has a lot of the same issue I will have to look into. The person at the top of the mona vie doesnt necessarily make the most money. I know the person well who helped inform me on this and it has been going strong for awhile now. I stil need to do some research to make sure though. Thanks again.
To be honest is it worth taking the risk of it possibly being a pyramid scheme scam? Sure it may sound adventurous and even profitable, but remember, everything you have been told is in fact advertising and like all advertising, it will be biased. But all in all, chose what you will, it will be an adventure either way. But make sure you have an escape plan. If you are already somewhat happy with your income and don't want to take a risk, send a small amount of your paycheck each week to a charity, that way you know you know the outcome is making a real difference. Just my 2 cents.
ok just want to make sure everyone gets teh fact that I have no money invested in this, and never have to invest money in this. Only in the drink I am drinking. So it is not a huge loss if something goes bad. Only my time would be wasted.