I am getting rid of my blog I took stuff out to edit and re-write and was told I could not put back a 1,900 word entry because it was over 10,000 words. I doubt it. I don't really want to write a blog anymore. No one reads it any way, so why should I write it. So just tell me how to delete the whole thing. (and yes, in answer to anyone's questions, if it is not read in a certain amount of time, I do delete it-- I don't see the purpose to leaving something up on the internet for a long period of time).
thanks, however I need to know how to either put back the same stuff without the word count thing going ballistic, or to get rid of it. It is kind of unsightly as it is now. Since that "thing" happened to me a few weeks ago, I have gotten even less willing to post my stuff. I know it's childish, but that's just me.
Yeah the best thing would be to delete the whole thing It dosent work and is still asking for 10000 words when the original item is only near 2000.
Has anyone figured out how to fix the code that causes the message board to say you have 10,000 words when you have 1,900?
What? A little dramatic, don't you think? PM Daniel, and ask him about it. As Admin, he can do more than the rest of us can.
Sorry for the late response... I read this thread - but I was doing things on the technical side to try to figure out what the problem was. I was unable to recreate the problem. Has anyone else experienced this?