As if my computer problems weren't bad enough, now I'm getting the following message when I browse these forums: Normally it wouldn't bother me, but the forums look all scrambled on my screen now. I can barely get a message posted. Anyone know what's up with this message?
You can disable flash player. I keep mine disabled most of the time because Adobe Flash screws up all sorts of pages when they load. I just enable it for the videos I want to watch that use it, and disable it when I'm done. You should have a page with plug in commands on Chrome (chrome://plugins/): Adobe Flash Player (2 files) - Version: 11.8.800.97 (Disabled) Shockwave Flash 11.8 r800 Name:Shockwave Flash Description:Shockwave Flash 11.8 r800 Version:11.8.800.97 Location:/Applications/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Internet Plug-Ins/PepperFlash/PepperFlashPlayer.plugin Type PAPI (out-of-process) Enable Description:Shockwave Flash 11.3 r300 Name:Shockwave Flash Version:11.3.300.257 Location:/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin Type:NPAPI Enable
Well, did you run chkdsk on volume c? Seriously, though, I doubt that is the real issue. Flash Player screws stuff up. Good luck!
Yeah, I ran a chkdsk and the issue vanished, but Firefox is still acting kind of goofy. And my laptop is still randomly freezing up (Compaq CQ61) and when it does, the blue WiFi light next to the power button turns bright red. I dunno what that's all about.
Make sure everything important to you is on a location other than just your hard rive. (Good advice in general AND in particular. )
No worries, the entire memory of this machine is backed up on disc, flash drive, and and external HD for triple protection