Am I alone in my reluctance to do this? I have no idea why I don't allow myself to do it - probably something in the back of my mind expects I'll be dragged from the world of each book each time I change, but I don't know. I'm reading the final Red Dwarf novel at the moment, but am itching to start on McCarthy's The Road. Maybe now's the time to break my habit.
OK The Road is great, but odd in that dialogue is incorporated seamlessly into prose. Never read Red Dwarf though, had a novel once, think I threw it someone.
There's a thread about McCarthy's style - might take some getting used to, but I like that he writes with lots of line breaks. It'll be like eating a packet of biscuits instead of tackling an emperor's banquet. Why did you throw the Red Dwarf novel at someone?
Honest answer.. actually long winded answer. I loved Red Dwarf series 3-6, they were as funny as comedy has ever been. I mean you are UK, and old you know they were fucking funny They were really funny. But I hated the awful drop off after. it hurt, it personally hurt, ouch, did not want it
They [Red Dwarf] weren't that funny. Half of us loved it, the other half did not. Like Blackadder, or Python - some people go 'all guns' for the comedy...but others, meh... Reading one book at a time is quite male, I vouch, like eating peas, then carrots, then potatoes, chicken leg in your mouth at the end. I'm other end of spectrum, but don't finish so many...
Series I and II are my absolute favourites, but the biggest hurt for me came with the God-awful series X. You mean the books, the series, or both. Quite often the appeal of so-called comedies for me isn't the supposed humour - it goes much deeper than that. I love Red Dwarf, but the belly laughs are very few and far between. This does not mean something isn't good. Same goes for Auf Weidershen, Pet. Billed as a comedy, but that's not why I watch it.
I'm not even going to ask why you've dragged a totally unrelated quote from ChickenFreak, from another thread, and included it in your post. You beat me to it, CF.
Why would I never not quote you? I imagine nights spent in your antagonistic arms; I imagine feeding you the Chinese from over the road, I imagine spending night after night in your pretty arms? Why will you not have me?
I only really loved 'Curb Your Experience,' 'The Office,' maybe, despite myself [Gervais, grrr]. TV, rather than reading. I'd kill for a funny book to dive into..
I love having loads of books on the go. Choices for every mood. Of course it means it takes me at least a week to read even the shortest book. So its swings and roundabouts I suppose.
Right now I'm reading - Grit, by Angela Duckworth - Quality Software Management, by Gerald Weinberg - Rocket Girl, by George Morgan - Stern Men, by Elizabeth Gilbert - What We Eat When We Eat Alone, by Deborah Madison - ....a murder mystery that I can't find right now. - Bright-Sided, by Barbara Ehrenbach. - Up in the Air, by Walter Kirn That doesn't include what's on the Kindle. I'm just saying.
At least a week? It takes me about a month to read a novel, and that's when I've only got one on the go. And that's not an exaggeration, by the way.