1. Dale Gillespie

    Dale Gillespie New Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Movie magic screenwriter 6 and windows 10

    Discussion in 'Writing Software and Hardware' started by Dale Gillespie, Oct 8, 2015.

    I have a question for those of you that specifically use Movie Magic Screenwriter 6 and Windows 10. Are any of you have any issues with them. I have a writer friend that has nothing but problems since he installed Windows 10. His previous computer was a Windows 7 and no problems. It had a fatal crash and he got a new computer but it was Windows 8. He hated it but there were no problems. This new computer has no DVD/CD drive so he had to download MMSW from the Write Brothers.

    He installed Windows 10 like the day after and had problems off the bat. Then a day after installing Microsft sent a huge update out without warning and it shut everything down. After he could not access his scripts. That finally stopped but then he started getting error messages saying it was not a Windows environment. He finally went ot the Geek Squad at Best Buy and they got into his computer and said MMSW had been installed too many times and had damaged the Registry. They fixed that and it worked fine. Until today. It is back to the same problems as before. He has been opening his script files by double clicking on the file. It then wants to install MMSW even though it is already install and running on his system. I don't know why MMSW does this. When I forget and do this I just immediately cancel the installation. He does not. I always open my scripts from inside MMSW. The thing is though, when he did it this way in Win 7 and Win 8 he didn't have this problem it would open and away he would go. I really do think there may be a compatibility problem with Windows 10. he has spoken to WWrite Brothers and they say no. But there is truth in experience and what he has been experience.

    So do any of you use MMSW 6 and Windows 10 and are you having any problems?

    I told him to take his computer and the MMSW disks down to the Microsoft Store and if they can't figure it out to have them revert his computer back to Window 8 or even Windows 7 (which was never on it) for free and hopefully his problems will go away.

    I myself am on Window 7 and I ain't switching to 10. At least not right now. I'll wait until next year when they have the bugs worked out.

    Dale Gillespie
    Gillespie Screenwriting Services
  2. Jack Asher

    Jack Asher Banned Contributor

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Minor point (I have no experience with Movie Magic Screenwriter 6) you have a year since the middle of July to upgrade for free to Windows 10. So unless 200 dollars is something you can just shrug off, I would upgrade before then.
  3. Dale Gillespie

    Dale Gillespie New Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Why would I do that if there seems to be a problem with the software that I use and Windows 10? I am not about to change my screenwriting software.
  4. Jack Asher

    Jack Asher Banned Contributor

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Well I guess if screenwriting is the only thing you use your computer for you won't have a problem. But if you're planning on installing new software (or especially new hardware), you've only got a couple of years. It won't be long before they aren't making a version of Movie Magic Screenwriter 6 for Windows 7 or 8.
  5. Komposten

    Komposten Insanitary pile of rotten fruit Contributor

    Oct 18, 2012
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    If you upgrade to Win 10 for free now, you still get a valid licence code. That means that you can revert to win 7 afterwards and still have your free copy of 10 when you're ready to upgrade (be that in 1 year or 5).
  6. Steerpike

    Steerpike Felis amatus Contributor

    Jul 5, 2010
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    California, US
    Unlikely it is a problem with Windows 10 per se, because its guts are so similar to Windows 8 and also because the company has tested the software and says it is compatible with Windows 10. If he wants to keep Win 10 I'd look at things specific to his computer system that could be causing issues.
  7. Bruce R

    Bruce R New Member

    Jan 23, 2016
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    I was up in Utah over Christmas and my Sony Vaio gave up the ghost - thank you Windows 10. It was right after the upgrade and the more I tried to recover my laptop, the worst it got until the blue screen of doom.

    There was a Best Buy nearby and I had planned on forgetting Microsoft and getting a Mac. However, I found an excellent deal on a Lenovo 900 Yoga and it had everything (and then some) of what the Mac had - but at about $1300 less. Other than the operating system, it was the same.

    A few weeks after re-installing MMSW and getting a lot of work done, I started having problems like described above. Also, I would be typing and every few sentences (sometimes every few words) it would ding and stop. No cursor and if I clicked it on where I stopped, it would ding and sometime the cursor would flash and be ready. And sometimes I would just have to wait - as if it was trying to catch up (the tech at MMSW thought it was low memory). It wasn't a memory problem - I have 16GB and a 500GB solid state drive.

    I'll have to go to the Geek squad at Best Buy, but I am pretty dubious at this time. It's frustrating to buy a band new, top of the line computer, and have this issues. And no one seems to know why.

    Anyone with suggestions and similar experiences, I'd appreciate comments. Thanks
  8. Sack-a-Doo!

    Sack-a-Doo! Contributor Contributor

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Any file you open by double-clicking has to be associated with the program you want to open it with. Okay, that may not make sense, so I'll explain.

    All files end with a file extension. Word documents end in .doc, Photoshop files end with .psd and Movie Magic Screenwriter files end in .mmsw. Okay, perhaps you already knew that, but...

    The registry is where Windows keeps track of which program opens which file type. That's where associations are set up so when you double-click on a data file (such as a .mmsw file) the appropriate program is run and the file is loaded.

    When Geek Squad 'fixed' the registry on your friend's computer, they likely reset it to the default because that's easier (and faster) than actually figuring out what's wrong and fixing just that one thing. It's also possible they simply saved his data, wiped the hard drive, and reinstalled Windows. That's the second easiest (and second fastest) thing to do.

    Long story short (okay, too late) they neglected to re-associate .mmsw files with Movie Magic Screenwriter, but that can be fixed.

    So, your friend should first make sure Movie Magic Screenwriter is actually installed and can be run by selecting it from the Start menu. If he can't find it (have him use the Search facility if necessary), he should install it and that will take care of everything. Job done. But...

    If Movie Magic Screenwriter is installed and runs fine, then:

    • open File Explorer (this is what Windows 10 calls Windows Explorer)
    • navigate to a folder where he has a file with the extension .mmsw
    • right-click the file (note: RIGHT, not left)
    • select "Open with..." from the menu
    • in the dialog that pops up, select "more apps"
    • (IMPORTANT:) near the bottom of the dialog, select "Always use this app to open .mmsw files"
    • scroll down to see if Movie Magic Screenwriter appears in the list (if it does, just select it and hit "OK")
    • if it doesn't appear in the list, scroll to the bottom and select "Look for another app on this PC"
    • a file dialog will appear
    • navigate to C:\Program Files (x86) and then look for the Movie Magic Screenwriter folder (the folder will have a relatively obvious name such as "Movie Magic Screenwriter," "MMSW," or "Write Brothers," something derived from the name of the company or the software)
    • navigate into that folder and find the .exe file for MMSW (again, I don't know what it'll be named, but it'll be fairly obvious)
    • select it and hit "OK."
    If everything went well, he should be able to double-click to open his files.

    If MMSW isn't installed, installing it will take care of the file association so he won't have to.

    In case it wasn't obvious exactly which .exe file in the MMSW folder is the main program and he ended up picking the wrong one, have him right-click again on "Open with..." and from the sub-menu, select "Choose another app" and try again.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016

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